ITB Talks 2023: Higher Education National Standard 2023 Socialization and Adjustments

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — This year, ITB Talks returned with a discussion revolving around the Higher Education National Standard 2023 (HighEd NS) application, conveyed by the Vice Rectorate for Academic and Student Affairs, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, M.Eng., in the ITB West Hall on Wednesday, June 9, 2023.

Prof. Jaka revealed the policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MEXT) Number 53 of 2023 regarding Higher Education Quality Assurance, which changed the HighEd NS. In said policy, higher education institutions are encouraged to compete on global standards and are given flexibility to set personal standards in line with the graduation competency, as well as improving the quality of higher education’s three virtues (tridharma).

He signified that the National Education Standard in HighEd NS 2023 encompasses a similar scope to the previous regulation, HighEd NS 2020. However, there are multiple simplifications and reforms, from the graduation competency to the learning process standard.

“One of them includes delegating major authority to higher education, in the planning, executing, and evaluating the process of learning,” he added on the topic of graduation competency conception.

Meanwhile, the Graduation Competency Standard emphasized the urgency of professional competence, which involved businesses, industries, and the workforce in the composition process of Study Program Graduate Learning Objectives (GLO).Another difference to highlight is the simplification of learning plan standardization. The method of learning not only focuses on the mere achievement of academic objectives.“

In HighEd NS 2023, the learning process standard focused on a pleasant learning atmosphere for the students, equal opportunities, safety, comfort, and wellbeing,” he remarked.

This involved on-site learning, long-distance learning, including online or a hybrid of both; the learning materials were arranged in an integrated manner, in the form of academic lectures, modules, thematic blocks, microcompetence programs (microcredentials, massive open online courses, and/or many others); and flexibility in learning outcome evaluation.

Nonetheless, he admonished that such flexibility must not diminish the quality assurance of ITB. ITB will keep striving for the fulfillment of academic needs and graduate competence, which is inseparable from the professional world, as it always has been.

In addition, ITB will integrate soft skill development processes from students’ activities as a part of the curricular activity in the curriculum. Therefore, graduation will be based on the academic grades and the soft skill attainment of each graduate. In regard to HighEd NS 2023, there were several points requiring intensive discussion, as well as the decision-making of various parties. As for MEXT Policy Number 53 of 2023, after its ratification, it will provide time remittances for higher institutions to respond to the changes within a two-year adaptation period.

Translator: Firzana Aisya

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