ITB Team Achieved Meritorius Winner in World Level Modeling Contest on Mathematics

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BANDUNG, - Mathematics Modeling ITB Team that was participate in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and the Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) obtained the award of Meritorious Winner. The MCM team consists of Rizki Irawan, Levina Diansari, Mika Hasiholan, under the guidance of Dr. Nuning Nuraini. While the ICM team, under the guidance of Dr. Agus Yodi Gunawan consists of Prima Deffinika, Widya NF, and Karina Trisnanita. The award is given early April 2009.
ITB other two teams, namely Ramadiana Citra, Gusti Intania, Dinar Rachmi, under the guidance of Prof.Edy Soewono, and Andrew Raymond, Zulkarnain, Aditya, under the guidance of Dr. Kuntjoro U.S., obtain an award as Successful Participants.

MCM (Mathematical Contest in Modeling), is an annual mathematics competition modeling in international level. MCM this year followed by 1675 team, while ICM followed by 374 teams from various countries in the world. Each team competed to solve problems on mathematical modeling.

Uniquely, each participant had a chance to win. Submitting a report with the results in the English language in the form of summary and resume, participants will receive an award named Successful Participants. Of course the team with the better quality paper will get more precisious awards. Same with science olympics, medal recipient can consist of several people.

Participating five times, the ITB was once gets a lot of silver and bronze. Registration fee and accommodation for participants following the competition will be covered 100% by the study program of Mathematics ITB.

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