SNIPS 2013: The Emergence of Learning Method in Development of Science

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG, - ITB Physics courses organized National Symposium on Innovation and Learning Sciences 2013 (SNIPS 2013). The symposium was held on Wednesday-Thursday, (03-04/07/13) at East Campus Center ITB.
The symposium is an effort challenges in the development of science and technology which is developing rapidly. To answer these challenges, need innovation in science teaching methods which is raised in SNIPS 2013. This symposium is a place to exchange ideas among the scientist and mathematician that includes the teachers. students, faculty, and researchers.

This symposium presents four keynote speaker Prof. Iwan Pranoto (Mathematics ITB), Prof. Prof. Lili. Dr.. Lili Hendrajaya (ITB Physics), Dr. Chatief Kunjaya (AstronomiITB), Dr. Muhammad Martoprawiro (Chemistry ITB) and the 150 speakers who will present the abstract in the panel discussion.

Development Astronomy Indonesia

Astronomy at ITB is one of the oldest courses in Indonesia. The emergence of the science of astronomy in ITB departed from Boscha observatory built in Lembang, Bandung, since then began a new civilization on astronomy. Several developments in astronomy in Asia are Japan, India, China, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. According Chatief astronomy development in Indonesia is still lagging behind compared to neighboring countries. It is seen from the government allocation to the development of astronomy country by building large telescopes.

In fact, the science of astronomy was still much to be explored and lead to the development of technology. Such as resource exploration beyond Earth, space travel, and satellite technology. In addition, the main attraction of astronomy kids to learn science. "The development of astronomy could be one of indicator of national progress," said Chatief.

Mathematical modeling as a troubleshooter

According to a survey of children's intelligence, Indonesian children have to memorize in learning method. When our children is asked about the symbol of carbon dioxide almost all Indonesian children answer correctly and ranks high above other countries. However, when given a modeling or drawing nearly the answers all wrong. "When our children were given about the calculations or  to memorize almost of all can answer it, but when given a modeling or analysis, they can not answer," said Iwan.

According to Iwan, the mindset of 'memorizing' and 'numeracy' is must be changed. We see our children advance to Olympics international level but the our local technology is still lagging.

"There is no need to teach our children the calculations are too complicated, yet now there is technology like computers. But how do we create mathematical modeling to solve the world's problems," said Iwan. For example, how to make mathematical modeling for climate forecasts that until now has not been found. It would be very useful for the work of farmers and other issues.

photo source: Snips 2013

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