ITB to Host the Oldest National English Debate Tournament Again
By Ria Ayu Pramudita
Editor Ria Ayu Pramudita

IVED is the oldest debate tournament that has been going on for 16 years. Initiated by Universitas Indonesia, this tournament always become the most anticipated event of the year. After hosting the same event in 2010, ITB had won again the bidding for IVED in IVED Council Meeting 2012 situated in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM).
The opening ceremony was held in East Hall and was opened by Mr. Brian Yuliarto as the Head of Student-Affair Institution (Lembaga Kemahasiswaan ITB). On the next day, all participants will undergo the preliminary rounds. These preliminary rounds were for 2 days and consisted of 6 rounds. On Monday, they began the octofinal and quarterfinal. The host's team managed to secure their position on the quarterfinal, but eventually defeated by Univeritas Indonesia's (UI) team.
Tuesday (15/01/13) was the D-Day for the 4 teams that was advancing to the semifinal round. After the semi, teams from UI and Binus International were announced to compete at the Grand Final. The motion for the Grand Final debate was about politic-economy in our global world. After the two-hour round, the adjudicators finally called out the champion of IVED 2013.
"Finally!! After 7 times failed in the semi!," shouted Andrew Wisnu Sadeli, one of the grand finalist from Binus International. When interviewd by Kantor Berita, the three grand finalists, Invi Atmanegara, Jaran Walia, and Andrew Wisnu Sadeli (Marketing Major, Binus International) recounted that they've been practicing for 1 whole year. No wonder, they make a wonderful performance in the Grand Final.
Success for IVED 2013
After handing the trophy, Tubagus Andhika Nugraha (Informatics Engineering 2010) as the convenor of the tournament was overly excited and proud of the wonderful feedbacks from all of the participants. From accomodation, tournament, and food, all of it were perfectly matched the committee standard and gave the fullest hospitality to the participants. One of the debater from Universitas Sriwijaya confessed that this was his best experience in IVED or in any other tournaments.
Oleh: Medhira Handinidevi