ITB Win Two Awards in National Robot Contest 2009

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, ITB, again, received an award in the prestigious national level event that is robots championship, the National Robot Contest 2009. Through legged category KRCI, the team of "The Power of Dreams" with its Hexapod robot was ranked first in the competition held at the University of Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta, (6-7/06/09). "Power Of The Dream" which represented by the three students of Electrical Engineering ITB - Ardya Dipta, Syawaludin Rachmatullah, and Ichwan Kurniawan- now trying to place themselves in the competition event with the same theme in the international level,  Trinity College, the United States.
National Robot Contest 2009, followed by 24 participant teams KRI (Indonesian Robot Contest), 33 team participants KRCI (Indonesia Smart Robot Contest), and 12 team participants KRSI (Art Indonesia Robot Contest). KRCI divided into 4 divisions, namely 21 teams of wheeled category, 9 teams of leged category, 9 teams of expert single category, and 16 teams of battle expert category. Overall, the number of team members including the advisors is 412 people, who come from 47 universities and 5 non-university. Jury came from several universities in Indonesia, that is ITB, ITS, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (Pens), UI, and UGM.

Competition rules form in KRCI 2009 selected from the robot contest rules that have been held regularly in the developed countries, namely Intelligent Fire-Fighting Robot Contest which was organized by Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut, USA and has held more than 13 years. Winners of the KRCI have a chance to follow the similiar contest year of 2010 in the United States.

The calculated parameters that is in jury considerations such as able to put out the fire, back to the start-up after the bonnet, and entered the room-divider. Overall these parameters will be converted to units of time through the function "factors." Therefore, the time to be the main consideration for the jury. Although the main target of this competition- put out the fire- isn't accomplished, a team can still continue to compete because of the conversion. Team of "Power Of The Dream" itself three times can overcome smoothly the chance that must be run in this competition. Overall, the "Power Of The Dream" team got two awards, that is 1st champion, including achieving all the tasks with the fastest record time and received an award "The Best Algorythm".

The success of the team sponsored by the LPKM (Organization for Student Development and Welfare) ITB that iso the result of the hard work from its pioneers. "During the last 6 months, we have messed up the lab AVRG (Laboratory of Autonomous Vehicle Research Group) lead by Dr.Kusprasapta Mutijarsa," said Dipta to ITB News Office. The Laboratory itself is also a place for ITB Unit Robot. Robot unit that was newly formed become a place for robot lovers to develop interests and abilities, including the Dipta and friends. "Friends in The Unit Robot ITB always have to help," added Dipta.

The victory of the team  "Power Of The Dream" is not separated from the cooperation between the relevant lines. Starting as a proponent of LPKM funds to the suporter of electrical engineering who is motivate them. Plus the presence of a manager in the team, which is also the Chairman of the Unit Robot ITB, Dody, appears as a key victory to this team successful.

In the future, the "Power Of The Dream" Team targets to follow the international competition held in College Trinity, the United States. The first thing will be done by this team is looking for sponsors who can support the team needs.

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