ITB’s Skor Hoki, the Pioneer of Indoor Hockey in Indonesia

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Foto by: ITB’s Hockey
*Foto by: ITB’s Hockey

BANDUNG, – Skor Hoki of ITB is one of the oldest student unit in ITB. The unit was established approximately at the end of 1970s and the beginning of 1980s. It was initiated by Prof. Nang Primadi Tabrani who was also one of the initiators of indoor hockey in Indonesia. As an ITB lecturer, he felt the need to establish a hockey unit in ITB.
Currently, ITB’s hockey consist of more than 50 members. They usually hold routine practices every two weeks, on Tuesday at 19.00-21.00 and on Saturday at 14.00 until dawn. The unit was the winner of one of Indonesia’s most prestigious indoor hockey competitions in Indonesia named Kompetisi Hoki Ruangan Perguruan Tinggi (KHRPT) which now becomes (IHRPT) or Invitasi Hoki Ruangan Perguruan Tinggi. The unit routinely participate in hockey competitions held by Universitas Gadjah Mada.

According to Muhammad Iqbal Akbari, head of Hoki ITB 2019-2020, ITB has a vital role in the development of hockey in Indonesia, especially because IHRPT is the most prestigious and oldest hockey competition in Indonesia. The annual competition will be held for the 33rd time on January 2020.

“Uniquely, many hockey teams are participating even though we do not provide prize money. It is the reputation and is indeed crowded,” said Muhammad Iqbal Akbari.

Vivi, a member of hockey team, admit that alumni of this unit have strong network and bond. “They often visit the unit and give mental and material supports,” she said. This should be an example for current members to continue what the alumni have done.

Vivi and Iqbal also said that this sport is foreign to many. “Usually people think of ice hockey when talking about hockey. Actually there is also indoor hockey,” said Vivi. They hoped more ITB students will sign for ITB’s hockey unit, especially the female students, because the unit need men, women, and mixed teams. They design a promotion for “Open House Unit” so that more students will join.

Reporter: Moch. Akbar Selamat (Management 2020)

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