IYEC 2014: Develop The Potential of Energy in Indonesia

Oleh Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia - section ITB (IATMI - SM ITB) held a seminar on energy issues of Indonesia that at this time is still depends on energy fossil such as oil and gas. Seminar was held on Saturday (02/15/14) in the Auditorium Campus Center East, ITB. This seminar was the culmination of  IATMI Youth Energy Challenge (IYEC) event which was a movement to awaken the youth to be concerned with these issue. In the seminar, public figures whom are engaged in these issue are invited, such as Ridha Mulyana, Director General renewable Energy and Energy Conversion, Early Novayanti, Assistant Manager Biofuel Project of PT Pertamina, Bambang Ismanto, Vice President for Reservoir Development - Asia Pacific Region at British Petroleum as know as the Head General IATMI.

The seminar, themed "The policy and implementation of new-energy utilization renewable energy for keeping the stability in the community", was devided into two sessions and continued with talk-show about energy. Dini Novayanti explained about energy that is being developed by PT Pertamina this time, and Ridha Mulyana presented about the condition of Indonesia's energy issues current and step that is being done by the government.

Energy Issues in Indonesia

Indonesian dependence on fossil energy, especially oil and gas still rising at this time,the condition is considered to not according to the existing fact this time. The reason is,  the reserves of fossil energy are disappearing from year to year while demand for this energy will continue to increase. The accomplishment of local need Indonesia's energy is still dominated by the energy fossils, in fact cadagan oil Indonesia is currently not more than 4 billion barrels. Oil taken from inside the earth around 840 thousand barrels every day. The reserve could only survive about 10 years, before the discovery that new reserves.

Gas reserves Indonesia is currently reached 103 trillion feet at the end of 2013  which is projected to stand up to 35 years. Unfortunately, the reserves of gas was not used maximally so that Indonesia still depend on oil resources. To ward off our dependency on, then the government through the Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) tries to manage energy. Ridha Mulyana explained that the targets energy mix in 2025 to use oil decreased from about 55% in 2005 to 20% in 2025 by using alternate source of energy that is currently being developed its use such as gas. In addition, at this time KESDM are targeted to use a renewable energy  that can contribute to meet their demand for energy up to 17 percent at the end of 2025.

The Renewable Energy

The renewable energy is a source of energy that is targeted to replace reliance man will energy fossils. Indonesia has the potential that was so relatively high among other things, wind energy, bioenergy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy, and solar energy. For bioenergy, Indonesia was supported by the condition agrarisnya. The reason is, we can produce bioenergy using fuel (biofuel) in liquid form (biodiesel, bioethanol) that can be produced by plants such as palm oil. The use of bioenergy was reached 50 GW, and new utilized around 1618 MW or around 3.25 percent from any potential.

This time, PT Pertamina develop bioethanol that can be produced directly through greenery, or often called greendiesel. According Dini, the potential is deemed to be very in accordance with Indonesia, bioethanol produced from materials molasses or molasses that can be used as material for a mixture of fuel, which is sold at present. So, bioethanol referred to as an alternative energy, environment-friendly because it uses source of green plants. 

In addition, Indonesia is currently trying to develop the potential (geothermal).  Using geothermal relative environmentally friendly, mainly because the greenhouse effect does not produce gas. Geothermal potential Indonesia include 40% of geothermal potential world, or about 27,140 MW that spread in 251 locations. Capacity that has been used by this time was only 4 percent of the potential of this available. The Government is targeting in 2025 Indonesia will be able to develop-fired power plant with geothermal coal burnings to replace capacity up to 12000 MW.

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