IYLC 2013: Indonesian Delegates to Become World Future Leader
By Ahmad Furqan Hala
Editor Ahmad Furqan Hala

Almost every two years, ITB students become Indonesian delegates for IYLC. For 2013 conference, IYLC will be held in Prague, Czech Republic on 21-26 July. Indonesian delegates for this conference is Leonard Hendrawan (Petroleum Engineering 2009) and Lailatul Mauliyah Zubaidah (University of Indonesia). ITB students from Geophysics Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering also became the delegates for Indonesia in the previous conference.
IYLC gathers about hundred participants from fifty different countries worldwide, such as United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia and other countries. Forum and discussion system that will be applied on this conference will adapt Europe parlementary system generally. The topics for the forum are about politics, international relations, justice and other recent global issues. The main goal for this conference is to facilitate the dialogue and cooperation between world youth leaders from different country and ethnicity. Besides, this conference object to cope with the lobal challenge from various perspectives and point of views. IYLC will come with a week-full of dialogue and discussion complemented with academics and culture sharing program.To become a participant in this conference, students must fill the registration form online and submit an essay about current global issues. There will be strict selection applied to the students to become a participant. By this selection, the chosen student will have to have a good leadership with excellent academic and organization experiences.
"What the committee is looking for with the selection process is student with not only excellent academic records and english proficiency, but also been active in various non-academic activity. Based on this activity, the committee will judge the leadership this student have. I admit that I am not the kind of student with perfect academic records, but I can match my academic and organization activity equally. By this, I am able to develop my leadership in me.
"I have prepared a lot of things for the conference. I always discuss and do sharing about current global issues nowadays. As I am a petroleum engineering students in ITB, I have the preferences to research and discuss about the current situation of energy, in Indonesia and the world in general. By participating in this event, I hope I can gain a lot more experiences and knowledge about the world leadership for the future. I do also want to share this experience I get in Prague and the global issues that the students need to know, either to my close friend and Indonesian youth in general," said Leon, one of Indonesian Delegation for IYLC 2013.
Photo Source: www.iylcprague.org