Virtual Exhibition 101 Years PTTI, Manifested The Innovation of ITB for The Country
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—As part of the 101st Anniversary of Higher Engineering Education in Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) organized a virtual exhibition titled "ITB for Digital Transformation of Indonesia" (PTTI). The virtual exhibition ran from Thursday (1/7/2021) until Saturday (4/6/2021) for four days.
On the website, ITB highlighted the unique work of academics. The design was appealing to the audience's eyes. The exhibition was open to the public with the aim that the public will be aware of the actual evidence of ITB's contribution to the country's progress.
The virtual exhibition "ITB for Indonesian Digital Transformation" was in line with ITB's vision and objective. This institute aspires to contribute to the nation's progress via innovation and community service. This year, the ITB has produced 220 pieces of work separated into topics.
The themes addressed includes: basic science and materials; agriculture, forestry, and food fisheries; health and medicines; COVID-19 innovation; infrastructure and transportation; energy; museums, culture and tourism; architecture and development of urban areas; industry and manufacturing; education and human resources; social, political, defense and security; concepts, frameworks, and governance of Indonesia's digital transformation; and disasters and climate change.
In the virtual display, there were 18 pieces of work themed food, health, and medicine, making them the themes with the most works innovated by ITB academics. In addition, there were also 17 works for each theme, including industry and manufacturing, energy, disasters and climate change, and Indonesia's digital transformation principles, structures, and governance.
Meanwhile, there were 16 unique innovations under the themes of museums, culture, and tourism; science and materials; and architecture and city development. The exhibition, which ran until Sunday, April 7, 2021, emphasized ITB's dedication to continuing to contribute to the country through innovation.
Reporter: Fakhrianda Aswin Luthfia Zufar (Mechanical Engineering/FTMD, 2020)
Translator: Naffisa Adyan Fekranie (Oceanography, 2019)