Kadarsah Officially Served as ITB Rector for 2015-2020 Periods
By Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah
Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

This inauguration session began with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, taking moment of silence, reading Decree of BoT ITB, and reading the pledge by Kadarsah that was continued by the singing of Padamu Negeri song. The signing of inauguration official report was witnessed by Mohammad Nasir, the Chariman of BoT ITB, and the Chairman of Senate ITB. After that was done handover procession of Akhmaloka on Kadarsah. Kadarsah substituted Akhmaloka to serve as the new rector of ITB for 2015-2020 periods.
Betti said on her speech that nowadays ITB has already increased looked by various achievements. Some achievements reached when ITB was led by Akhmaloka. "From the results of the final report we received, there were many success had been reached by the previous rector. One of them was ITB succeeded to get international accreditation for thirteen study programs," said Betti.
ITB achievements during the reign of Akhmaloka not only ended up there. "ITB also succeeded to establish cooperation with 300 universities on 40 countries," said Betti. Besides, on publication and research ITB achieved the highest position among other universities in Indonesia. "Unqualified without exception predicate for five years consecutively also proved that ITB had been governed well," said Betti.
On her speech, Betti also delivered congratulations and thanks to Akhmaloka for all his achievements during served as rector of ITB for 2010-2014 periods. In the leadership of new rector for five years later, Betti hoped that ITB can go further forward, especially on the development of science and technology. "Science and technology is the success key for modern economy. Developed community is always counterbalanced with technology education both on industries, government, and universities," lid Betti.