Prof. Nanang Puspito, a lecturer of FTTM ITB, Becomes one of ADPAKI (The Association of Indonesian Lecturers for Anti-corruption Education) Declarators
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, Association of Indonesian Lecturers of Anti-corruption Education (ADPAKI) was officially declared on July 5, 2021. The declaration remarks the beginning of a forum for anti-corruption education, aiming to prevent corruption through education. The event was witnessed and attended by several key persons from KPK and The Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia.
An ADPAKI declarator, Prof. Nanang Puspito, is from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB. He actively participates in various anti-corruption campaigns, namely the Studium Generale "Anti-corruption Briefing for Students" and the Elective Course KU-4079 Anti-corruption Education.
Prof. Ir. Nizam, as Director-General of Higher Education of Kemendikbudristek RI, conveyed his remarks that universities need to prepare students who have an anti-corruption cultural attitude and create personal integrity. This includes collusion, corruption, and nepotism practice that leads to corrupt behavior. He appreciated and thanked the declarators for the initiative to form ADPAKI. It is hoped that ADPAKI can build an anti-corruption spirit in higher education.
The declaration event participants agreed by acclamation to choose Yusuf Kurniadi, a Paramadina University Lecturer, as General Chair of ADPAKI for 2021-2024. Soon, all declarators will prepare AD/ART as the organization's base. It is hoped that all anti-corruption education lecturers throughout Indonesia can be gathered in the ADPAKI forum so that efforts to prevent corruption through education can be more effective, organized and impact reducing corruption in Indonesia.
Logo Meaning
There is a shield in the ADPAKI logo, indicating that ADPAKI is the guardian of integrity in Indonesia through education. The light blue color on the shield means that the anti-corruption movement aims to create a sovereign state, a strong nation, without corruption. The sparks that light up symbolize the spirit of integrity and become a solution for Indonesia's problems. The red ribbon is an expression of happiness and sincerity in work. Lastly, red and white symbolize the Indonesian flag.
Reporter: Adi Permana (PR of ITB)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)