Kammerchor Stuttgart Concert, World Class Masterpiece

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Forty-years is been quite long times either for human nor choir. However, Frieder Bernius has proved he could pass the time smoothly with Kammerchor Stuttgart. Now, it is been five years since the choir which he founded at his first year on college, re-visit Indonesia. On Friday (1/8), Aula Barat ITB was a silent witness for sophisticated Bernius show, the conductor, along with 22 member of Kammerchor Stuttgart presenting their best. Numbers of classical song were carried by men in tuxedo and women in red-black suite. The opening, Lux Aeterna by Gyorgy Ligeti, could really hit all audience be quite. For an hour in row, Kammerchor Stuttgart brought a spectacular show with Lux Aeterna, Stabat Mater by Domenico Scarlatti, Singet dem Herr nein neue Lied by Johann Sebastian Bach and Immortal Bach by Knut Nystedt were brilliantly performed by the choir founded on 1968. The Bass, Soprano, along with Alto and Tenor in perfect combination to create lively situation during the concert. The choir was not only singing in the stage, once they turn down in the middle of audience while sing a song from Nystedt. Therefore the voice had dispersed but the audience still could listen sharply. “It was a flourishing and harmony there”, said one audience. Coincidently after the show, the choir which had been produced 70 recorded CDs, was also sing two additional songs as the audiences request. The rose flower which distributed among the member of Kammerchor Stuttgart marked audience pure appreciation. The concert is finished, but may be not yet in the heart of the audiences.

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