Kausa Prima: First Year Exhibition FSRD ITB Attracts Visitors
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

The event lasts for three days named Kausa Prima or in English Prime Cause that means the initial cause. This exhibition has a meaning that Causes Prima is the first step to entering the next level courses (Prodi). Prima movement in this exhibition very representative works exhibited, since every work illustrates how all started and initiated by each individual in the context of workmanship.
Exhibition featuring the works of approximately 230 students in 1000 is an annual event the ITB. Each student showcase 8 works best during a period of one year Joint Preparatory Phase (TPB). The works are exhibited in the form of image shapes, constructive image, likeness basic 2D drawings, 3D images in such a basis. Placement of his work is divided according to their chosen majors respectively. This exhibition is also taken into consideration for faculty to assess each student with study programs they want through the works displayed.
The enthusiasm of visitors to this event is quite large. Evidently, the first day of the open gate there is a long queue at the reception booth. "We were overwhelmed on the first day due to the many visitors who want to come in," said Khalid Akbar Nahja as Chairman of Prima Causes event.
In exhibition also consists of various events, Opening performence and Assessment Work by lecturers (24/05/13), Talkshow by lecturers and alumni FSRD (25/05/13), Live Painting by Hayman Movement, the ITB 2012, and kid-children from orphanage (25/05/13).
Hopefully Causes Prima prefix can be good for the ITB 2012 in each department of the future, "close Nahja.

The enthusiasm of visitors to this event is quite large. Evidently, the first day of the open gate there is a long queue at the reception booth. "We were overwhelmed on the first day due to the many visitors who want to come in," said Khalid Akbar Nahja as Chairman of Prima Causes event.
In exhibition also consists of various events, Opening performence and Assessment Work by lecturers (24/05/13), Talkshow by lecturers and alumni FSRD (25/05/13), Live Painting by Hayman Movement, the ITB 2012, and kid-children from orphanage (25/05/13).
Hopefully Causes Prima prefix can be good for the ITB 2012 in each department of the future, "close Nahja.