AIChE ITB Won Outstanding Student Chapter Award 2019

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*AIChE ITB SC Plant Visit to PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, Cirata, in April 2019.

BANDUNG, -- American Institute of Chemical Engineers Institut Teknologi Bandung Student Chapter (AIChE ITB SC) was selected as one of 30 student chapters which won Outstanding Student Chapter Award 2019. They won after beating other 325 student chapters in all over the world. The awarding ceremony will be held in 2019 AIChE Annual Student Conference on 10 November 2019 in Orlando, Florida, The United States of America.

AIChE ITB SC received the award for their activism in organizing various activities, which develop the hard skills and soft skills of their members as preparation to become process engineers right after their graduation.

President of AIChE ITB SC, Ivant Septiawarman explained that this award is the first for AIChE ITB. The student chapter routinely hold seminars concerning professions in chemical engineering and present speakers from practitioners or academicians from process industry. Every year, AIChE ITB SC support HIMATEK-ITB to hold regional IChEC (Indonesia Chemical Engineering Challenge) which comprises plant design, problem solving, essay, video, and poster. In addition, AIChE ITB SC also hold member development activities such as FGD training, job preparation workshop, financial plan training, joint technical class, plant visit, and community service.

“Now we have around 280 ITB student members form various programs. Not only chemical engineering students but also microbiology, post-harvest technology, electrical power engineering,” he said. He hopes that the current administration can hold Indonesia Regional Chemical Conference in 2020.

AIChE ITB SC was officially established on 2 October 2015 and is the organization’s first student chapter in Indonesia. The first president and founder of the student chapter is Nursayyidah Ainun Jahsy (Chemical Engineering 2012) with adviser Prof Dwiwahju Sasongko or familiarly known as Prof. Song.

Prof. Song explained that student chapters are parts of AIChE intended for students of respective university and focus to establish good relations between academic and industry as well as increase students’ involvement in promoting process industries nationally and internationally.

“What distinguishes it with student association is that this student chapter is in international scale and headquartered in the US,” said Prof. Song who is also a senior member of AIChE. AIChE ITB SC could be a media liaison for students who are interested in process engineering by synergizing and collaborating to advance process industry in Indonesia.

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