KM SBM Teach Students How to Make the Right Decision
By Akbar Syahid Rabbani
Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

The discussion was attended by about 30 people. It taught us how to make a good decision . Started by pitting our thinking when a decision will be taken . Does the decisions we make already rational or not. He also explained how the brain works when it will make a decision . The human brain was easy to drift off and most of us are lazy to use it or lazy thinking. " Decision making is a skill , process and mindset ," said Utomo. Therefore, the decision of what we do today may be influenced by any decisions we've ever took in the past .
In his explanation, Mr. Utomo explained how right-brain system ( system 1 ) and left brain ( system 2 ) in the work . System 1 tended to work quickly , directly , effortless , cannot be turned off, intuitive , and pleased prejudiced . While the left brain tended to work slowly , needed an extra effort , and process control . Because of that fact, he provided knowledge that wiuld made a decision when we had to think rationally . Rational thinking was clearly defining the problems that exist , identified all the existing criteria , Aggregated all criteria based on all existing preferences , knowing all the relevant alternatives, accurately assessing the alternatives based on each criteria and calculated also made choices with value we could saw clearly .
At the end of the discussion, he said that the most important thing to note is more inclined to prejudice or something that we often experience . To overcome it we must always be aware of , not to be complacent feeling , looked for opportunities based on data and statistics , and did not assume something is always in touched with each other.
Reksy Rakasiwie
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2013