Young Journalist Summit 2015 Reply Anxiety Indonesian Nation

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, Thinking is an activity to consider, ponder, analyze, prove something, show grounds, examine and draw conclusions and seek a relationship with one another. Today, all the activities carried out could not be separated from the concept of thinking. According to Plato (in Suryabrata: 2002: 12): Thinking is talking to myself. The phrase is released from the liver into a word or text so that it is closely related to writing or speech.
At present, the phenomenon, says the lack of thought to move straight to the development of increasingly rapid globalization. Critical thinking pattern originally now just a little keg contents. Looking at this critical phenomenon, one team ITB Student Activity Unit scientific fields, Student Press (Persma ITB) answer all these problems through the crisis Seminar and Workshop entitled "Young Journalist Summit 2015" held at ITB TVST Building, Saturday (02/07 / 15) and Sunday (02.08.15).

The event was held two days attracted special attention in the general public. Delia Rahma (Biological Engineering 2012), as chairman of the event YJS claimed that the event was held with the aim of answering the anxiety at the thought patterns of young people today, especially in the field of journalism. As a team that was engaged in the press, of Delia's team upholds the quality of thought a journalist journalist because actually Release was the main pillar of democracy. "Hopefully, this event could make young people who are eager to work and improve their journalistic skill in expressing thoughts and ideas creative, " Delia said interrupted his speech.

Young Journalist Summit held by Persma ITB this year was packed with very interesting. Inviting renowned speakers in the fields of science journalists or, one of them was Sujiwo Tejo, cultural figures, journalists, writers, painter and puppeteer. In a seminar with the theme "journalistic sensibility against sluggish thinking," Tejo explained unequivocally that thinking is between me that was in the heart that is affected by the angle of view. "Thinking it was the result of subject and object views in bridging the perception," said Tejo straightforward. In the world of journalists, a reporter always reveal events from different points of view was closely related to thinking. One object can be seen in respond to a variety of different perceptions, for that pattern perception perspective should be strengthened with a quality mindset.

In addition to inviting Sujiwo Tejo, show that using these seminars and workshops are also invited prominent figures of A. Maryoto Kompas daily reporter, managing editor at the same practitioner M.Bakir compass, and Sandi Jaya Saputra as penapak world young journalist who excel.

As a Student Activity Unit engaged in the fields of science, the purpose of this event was also to commemorate National Press Day, of course fully supported this event from the performance of the entire committee. Young Journalist Summit 2015 is an element that was implied in the era of globalization are rife expected to create the younger generation, especially students who are able to think critically depth and quality to a problem. The problem faced not only seen one side but can be viewed from different perspectives. "Hopefully in the years following this event can be re-organized with the preparation and the more mature material again," Delia said excited.

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