Latpim III : Build Nation Character and Competitiveness
By kristiono
Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – On 8 till 14 June 2008 Institut Teknologi Bandung along with Kodam III Siliwangi was held leadership training (latpim) wave III at Depo Bela Negara, Cikole, Lembang. There was 160 participant consist of 150 graduate students and 10 security members. Opening remarks was conducted by Pangdam III Siliwangi, Mayjen TNI Suroyo Gino and Senior Rector Representative of Students and Alumni (WRMA), Dr. Ir. Widyo Nugroho.
This year's theme for the Latpim is “Build Character, Build ITB Students Competitiveness”. To build students character, its important to stated focus and direction of ITB students development based on ITB BHMN core value i.e. educative, scientific, economic, ecology, ethic, legal, and justice. Through the events, the students were mean to know ITB vision and mission ‘Creating ITB Students as Representative Profile for Indonesian Students”. “ITB Students is always intellectually well, but sometimes unbalance of attitude and behavior”, Dr. Widyo said.
The first speaker was Ir. Rama Royani known as Abah Rama which insisted the importance of team work in leadership. Participant was divided into group simulation to build dummy organization along sets of equipments. Synergize equipment could make strong organization. Therefore, team work crucial due to work lonely is almost impossible today. The team work was showed via games and land navigation.
Leadership Knowledge
As future leader, each participant was stocked with leadership knowledge from various angels and source. Among others Change Management by Prof. Dr. Ir. Jann Hidayat; Technopreneurship by Leo, MBA; Pshycology of Leadership by ITB Counseling; Securing and Maintaining NKRI by Aster Kodam III Siliwangi; Stress Management by Drs. Ashari Joni, M.Psi and many more.
Participant was impressed by talk show titled “Combating Corruption in Indonesia”. Thus was special due to live presence of Antasari Azhar, Head of KPK. Amidst high enthusiasms among participant, Antasari Azhar reemphasized role of clean leader reveal prosperous people. Bravery and mental strong is always necessary for leader. Therefore ‘Caraka Malam’ was conducted for. Each participant, individually touring across Tangkupan Perahu in the dark to gave their message.
Latpim became lively after attendance of Abah Iwan Abdurahan writer of mentari and burung camar. Almost two hour, participant had drifted by eminent sound of Abah Iwan. On closing day, Kodam III Siliwangi member Abbas S introduced his research above Hitaullo oil (Callophylum inophyllum L.) as alternative choice after BBM.