Learning The Outer Space from Astara Ganesha

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id-Astronomy Students Association ITB (  Himastron ITB ) held Astara Ganesha event which was  on Friday-Saturday , ( 04-06/10/13 ) . This event is a national big event that consists of a series of events held at  ITB Ganesha.

Departing from concern for the quality of children's knowledge of Indonesia which is still low and unequal , Astara Ganesha intends to be an inspiration through the science of space . Against this backdrop, the event is expected to build motivation of Indonesian children to learn not only astronomy and other sciences , such as physics , chemistry , mathematics and biology . But also other sciences such as economics , law , business , anthropology , and other humanities and social.

Additionally , Astara Ganesha is also set up to commemorate Worl Space Week ( 04-10/10/13 ) and 90 years as a Boscha Observatory, the oldest astronomical research center in Indonesia. World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology space . World Space Week has several purposes, educating the global community to know the benefits that can be obtained from space , encouraging the use of space for sustainable economics , shows public support for space programs, stimulate young people to study science , and helping international cooperation developments in the field of space development and education . In this case , Himastron ITB is one of the representatives of Indonesia to facilitate the commemorate.

Some of Astara Ganesha events were Night Sky Observation and Observations of the Sun ( 04-06/10/13 ) , Exhibition Space ( 06/10/13 ) , Talkshow " Mengulik Eksoplanet " ( 9/22/13 ) in Jakarta Planetarium , Talkshow " Extraterrestrial " ( 6/10/13 ) , Astrokids ( familiar event space for the kids ) ( 04-06/10/13 ) , and some pre - events like Astronomy Poster Contest , visitation  Space Introduction to kindergarten and elementary school around Bandung , and Star Party Goes to Street . " We tried to embrace all people from children to adults and the event is open to the public ," said Tio Prime , Head of Astara Ganesha event  (Astronomy 2010).

In teh Sky Observations there were two telescope provided by the organizers to fnd out some sky objects such us sun and stars for visitors. Visitors would be explaines by the organizers about the celestial objects they have seen. 

Astara Ganesha is expected to be a source of inspiration and facilitators to get to know and learn more in the world space . " There is no doubt the space is still the main attraction of people to study science and in Astara Ganesha everyone can learn it ," said Tio .

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