Leonard Hendrawan : The Scholarship Made Me More Motivated and Thankful
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - "Spirited" is an apt word to describe Leonard Hendrawan (Oil Engineering, 2009), the receipient of ITB Scholarship For All (Beasiswa ITB Untuk Semua, or BIUS). ITB's News Office had the chance to interview Leonard about his daily life as a scholarship receipient.
Leonard, who is commonly called Leo, places academic classes on a higher priority compared to his other activities. "As an ITB student I realize I need to constantly learn and develop myself, because in the future, we (students - red) are the ones who will advance this country," said the Bandung native.
Between classes, Leo always spares some time to participate in student activities, such as ITB Entrepreneur Award, ITB Fair, and the welcoming committee for new students. His enthusiasm to be involved in various committees started from his first year in university.
Currently Leo is active in many student activity units. Leo, who entered an acceleration program in middle school, helps manage the Techno Entrepreneur Club (TEC). Following his hobby of playing hockey, Leo is also a member of the unit Skor Hoki ITB.
Leo talked about his struggle to enter ITB with a scholarhship. It started when Leo, who was born on May 30, 1992, got the information on BIUS from the Internet. "When I was in my senior year in high school, I browsed the Internet a lot for scholarship information, and that's when I found about ITB's Scholarship For All," said the high school valedictorian. "When I won this scholarship, I became more motivated to go through my studies in ITB, and more thankful because not everyone can get a scholarship, said Leo.
ITB's Scholarship For All
Starting in 2009, ITB's Scholarship For All (BIUS) was formed by ITB alumni. With the motto "Don't give up on your sky-high dreams", BIUS gives a chance for smart young people in Indonesia to study in ITB and later become agents of change in their social environments.
BIUS gives many conveniences to its receipients, such as free tuition, daily allowance, and funds for other supporting needs such as textbooks. Aside from free tuition while studying in ITB, BIUS also routinely gives softskill training to its receipients. The routine training that is held covers various softskills such as motivational training, leadership, communication skills, and free English lessons.
There are currently 101 students receiving the ITB Scholarship For All. 40 of them are from the 2009 batch, and 61 students are from the 2010 batch. They are studying in 12 Faculties and Schools in ITB. For more information about ITB Scholarship For All, go to the site www.itbuntuksemua.com