Loedroek ITB Holds a Discussion on Human Development Cultured
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

For the second time, Loedroek ITB held a relaxed discussion that packed in the name Ngopi with a focus on human development in terms of cultures. "Loedroek ITB is a place that not only think at this moment, but also thought to Indonesia in the future. Through this event, we hope to give information to the public especially about how the concept about human development," said , Wasis Kunto Megantara (Technical of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2012) as the Head Unit Loedroek ITB.
As the opening, Tommy to introduce the philosophy Sundanese called Tri Tangtu as a basis to form a balanced lives and in harmony. Our philosophy is universal only different in name for each district. Tri Tangtu consists of three components that can complement each other, namely Resi (science), Ratu (government), and Rama (society). "Science without conscience like the blind, while their conscience without knowledge as the lame. Perfect human is that you can combine both to formed what is called the foster," said Tommy.
Next session, Sentot who had never been involved in the formulation national education system present an ideal solution for human development in Indonesia. This model has a chance to be implemented by the name the Curriculum Based on Competency. "The most important policy is human development because it is the driving force for everything ranging from the movement of resources to the policy," said Sentot.
Therefore, in addition to improving science education, we should also instill skills that can only be reached through the use of science until finally formed competence.That was the one that will be formed the attitude and behavior. "The culture is the impact for human development. Think about thirty years to future of Indonesia will be like that, now let set the role that you will play in the future" greetings Sentot.

Next session, Sentot who had never been involved in the formulation national education system present an ideal solution for human development in Indonesia. This model has a chance to be implemented by the name the Curriculum Based on Competency. "The most important policy is human development because it is the driving force for everything ranging from the movement of resources to the policy," said Sentot.
Therefore, in addition to improving science education, we should also instill skills that can only be reached through the use of science until finally formed competence.That was the one that will be formed the attitude and behavior. "The culture is the impact for human development. Think about thirty years to future of Indonesia will be like that, now let set the role that you will play in the future" greetings Sentot.