LP4 ITB Holds Workshop on Teaching Innovations and Textbook Writing ITB 2010
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

Held in the 9311 Multimedia Room Labtek VI, the Organization of Review, Education, Research, and Development of Society (LP4) ITB held an Internal Workshop about Teaching Innovations and Textbook Writing ITB 2010 on Wednesday and Thursday (10-11/11/10). The workshop was specially held for the ITB community who wished to write and assemble textbooks relating to their expertise.
The workshop was attended by speakers from various branches of knowledge in ITB. Each ge a presentation on the books they wrote. The were also correspondents from outside ITB, such as Wahyu Trihartati representin the Center of Books for the Mational Ministry of Education. Wahyu shared his experience in controlling the quality of textbooks according to the national goal. Attending also was a representative from Erlangga Publisher, Lemeda Simarmata who gave a presentation niversity textbooks that were searched for by publishers.
Below is a list of winning correspondents who presented each of their work.
List of Winners of Textbook Writing Grant
1. Prof. Binsar H. Harianja with his book titled "Mekanika Rekayasa" ("Engineering Mechanics")
2. "Teori Relativitas Einsten: Sebuah Pengantar" (Einstein's Relativity Theory: An Introduction) by Taufiq Hidayat,
3. Oseanografi Fisis (Physical Oceanography) by Prof. Safwan Hadi,
4. Mekanika Batuan (Rock Mechanics) by Prof. Made Astawa Rai,
5. Metode Elemen Hingga (Finite Element Method) by Prof. Amrinsyah Nasution,
6. Penelitian Operasional (Operational Research) by Suprayogi,
7. Metode Estimasi Matriks Asal (MAT) untuk Kebutuhan Peramalan Transportasi (Origin Matrx Estimation Method for Transportation Prediction) by Prof. Ofyar Z. Tamin,
8. Trans-Estetika: Seni dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (Trans-Esthetics: Art and Science) by Yasraf Amir Pilang,
9. Manajemen Kinerja Korporasi dan Organisasi: Panduan Penyusunan Indikator (Managing Corporate and Organizational Work) by Dermawan Wibisono
10. Arsitektur Kota Islam: Kajian Normatif dan Preseden tentang Pandangan Islam dalam Pembangunan Kota (Islamic City Architecture: A Normative Review and Precedents on an Islamic Perspective in Building a City) by Agus S. Ekomadyo.
List of Winners of Teaching Innovation Grant ITB 2010
1. Fisika Dasar I (Basic Physics I) by Novitrian,
2. Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja : Memanfaatkan Media Visual Film dan Gambar untuk MK TI-5203 (Managing Work Safety and Health : Utilizing Visual Medias of Films and Pictures mor MK TI-5203) by Iftikar Z. Sutalaksana,
3. Seni Rupa Asia (Asian Visual Art) by Ira Adriati,
4. Teknik Komputasi (Computation Techniques) by Estiyanti Ekawati,
5. Teori Peluang : "Bukan Sekedar Teori" (Probability Theory : "Not Just Another Theory") by Khreshna I.A. Syuhada,
6. Fisika Matematika IIB (Mathematical Physics ITB) by Khairul Basar,
7. Struktur dan Reaksi Anorganik (Anorganic Structures and Reactions) by Prof. Djulia Onggo,
8. Sistem Utilitas (Utility Systems) by Prof. Herri Susanto,
9. Pengembangan Alat Bantu Perancangan Proses Perkuliahan dengan Pendekatan Capstone Design untuk Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pembelajaran : Studi Kasus MK AE3211 Analsis dan Perancangangan Struktur Ringan I (Developing a Class Planning Aid with the Capstone Approach to Increase Learning Effectivity: Case Study MK AE3211 Analysis and Design of Light Structures) by Hendri Syamsudin,
10. Penggunaan Metode Blended Learning untuk Kuliah KU-1072 Pengantar Teknologi Informasi - B (PTI-B) di FTMD (Using Blended Learning Method for Class KU-1072 Introduction to Information Technology - B (PTI-B) in FTMD) by Muhammad Kusni.
LP4 At a Glance
LP4 is a new organization under the Deputy Rector of Academics and Student Affairs (WRAM). Currently, the organization is led by Prof. Bambang Riyanto. LP4 has two main functions, namely to review education, research, and community service that need to be developed by ITB, and to do studies on science and technology forecasting in the future needed to prepare education and research in science and technology which will be needed by ITB and Indonesia.
LP4 has a mission as a think-tank organization in ITB in reviewing and formulating strategic and innovative policies relating to education, research, and community service.