Lustrum IX LSS ITB: Synergistic Preserve Sundanese Culture

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, - On Saturday (05/28/16), Lingkung Seni Sunda (LSS) ITB again held an art show called Satwikasunda Sundanese culture. Satwikasunda a major five-yearly event called Lustrum. In contrast to previous years, this time LSS Lustrum event not only showcases the creativity of members of LSS ITB but also collaborate with student activity units based on similar cultural arts in Bandung. At least, there were 14 appearances coming from other student activities unit. The units of which came from ubuntu, UNIKOM, Telkom University, UNPAR, UNISBA, and Universita other universities in Bandung. Art were displayed also vary, ranging from angklung, dance creations, calung, and a fusion of contemporary music with Sundanese music.

"The concept of this year's event LSS is brought kesinergisan among the circle of Sundanese art as Bandung Raya," Rifa Akbar (Geodesy 2014) said as the chairman of this year's Anniversary of LSS. The collaboration undertaken with other university units Sundanese arts as well as efforts to reintroduce the public to the Sundanese culture. Along with the development of technology and foreign culture increasingly rampant, this event can remind people about the culture of Indonesia. Moreover, Bandung whose inhabitants are mostly Sundanese necessarily have to maintain and preserve Sundanese culture itself. In addition, this event was also used as a venue for self-actualization for LSS ITB with all sorts of activities and its art.

In this event the ITB LSS featuring at least six Sundanese arts, including traditional ceremonies bubuka, kacapi kawih flute, dance jaipong "spans the east", Longser, rampak drums, as well as dance Dermayu. The dance itself is a dance creation Dermayu creation of LSS ITB. This dance tells a daughter Darma Ayu who were practicing war in heaven along with her ladies. Without realizing it turns out there was a male intruder who wants to marry the princess. But the princess refused and eventually a fight between the princess and intruders. The fight was described by ciamik through dance movements of the dancers who played a fan. The movements of the dancers displayed also looks very handsome, because it tells the daughter who was practicing war. Deep meaning well displayed by the dancers LSS.

Unlike the Dermayu dance, dance jaipong also managed to captivate the audience with graceful movements and energetic presented the dancers. Jaipong dance was a dance that used to be the opening Longser. Longser itself is the drama of Sundanese, which is now rarely can be enjoyed. In addition to the arts Sunda shown, there are other rides can be enjoyed audience that is there bazaar of clothes, food and Sundanese game that can be tried.

Use Technology of Video Mapping
The event was held at ITB Boulevard, take place very grand and festive. In addition to the decor and lighting that supports the stage atmosphere, the excitement is also coupled with the video mapping. It was an innovation in events ever held by a previous LSS, wherein each LSS art performances will be opened with the animation in video mapping. The use of video mapping technology was also a characteristic that the ITB as a leading engineering campus in Indonesia. Being a beautiful thing when the advanced technology can be synergized with traditional art. This makes the traditional art is not only considered to be old-fashioned, but it can look more modern without leaving the identity of the arts.

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