Lydia Husen Kartadinata Receives Ganesha Prize
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Lydia Husen Kartadinata, a student of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, ITB’s School of Pharmacy class of 2016, won Ganesha Prize 2019 which was presented during Official Welcoming Ceremony for Undergraduate Programs Students Academic Year 2019/2020 at Sasana Budaya Ganesa (Sabuga) on Monday (5/8/2019).
Lydia is the ITB’s Most Outstanding Student 2019. She won the title after competing with other outstanding students in the selection on 13 March 2019. For this achievement, Lydia have a right for two months internship program from Bandoengse Technische Hogeschool Fonds in Netherland.
On the official freshmen welcoming ceremony, Lydia delivered a message and share her experience during her study in ITB. She said that being a student is an initial point for a big opportunity to learn many things such as learning to collaborate, to give aspirations, to care more about situations and conditions, and to lead oneself to a better direction.
“As someone who is most responsible to our own future, do not waste any given opportunity. There are many rooms to explore our potential through student activities and organizations, and national and international competitions,” she said in front of thousands of ITB freshmen 2019.
On the occasion, Lydia share several steps to use every opportunity to earn accomplishment. The first is knowing oneself. Knowing the positives and lacks. Choose and focus on activities that support self-development according to interests and talents.
The second is balance between academic and student activities. It requires good time management. Hence, make priority list for each activity. “Decide which one is important and less important, which one is urgent and not,” Lydia said.
The third is build good relation with surrounding because it will determine success. Many problems require collective solution. The key, she thinks, is to adapt and cooperate with people of diverse backgrounds and characters.
The fourth is positive mind. There will be ups and downs during study, but never give up. Keep on trying and feeling gratitude. Everything is part of a process to make us stronger than before.
“Lastly, bear in mind that students play important rolse for the advancement of this country. We carry the mandate of the people as agents of change. Give the best for Indonesia through educational institutions where we study. Good luck,” she encouraged.
On the Official Welcoming Ceremony of Undergraduate Program Students 2019, ITB presented several award to ITB students, namely Ganesha Perkasa (sports), Ganesha Rasa (arts), Ganesha Karsa (science, social, and community services), and Ganesha Karya (innovative works).