MTI ITB Held a Seminar to Introduce The Concept of Lean Manufacturing

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - The industrial world is getting high in competing. To make the manufacture industry able to compete, good and competitive human resources are in high demand so they can improve the quality of the company. On Wednesday (27/08/14), the students of ITB Industrial Engineering (MTI ITB) with Six Sigma Center of Excellence (SSCX) held a seminar titled "Lean Six Sigma". It was held in ITB West Hall. MTI ITB wanted to educate the students as the next generations about the concept of lean manufacturing.

Lean manufacturing is the systematical approach to consider about all aspects in production by minimalizing the use of lack-of-benefit resources. By eliminating the wasting activities, the company can improve the operational system. There are three main things to be recovered: Quality, Cost, and Delivery. Improving the value of a product and designing an efficient process are the way of lean manufacturing concept.

"Got to be better than anyone else," Riyantono said. He works as the consultant in SSCX. A company is demanded to be competitive and win without discouraging the competitors. Nowadays it is not enough just doing the ordinary production.  Research and development, as an example, has to work really fast so that the company will not be bankrupted. The world is accelerated fast and the most efficient one will survive. Besides, the company needs high-quality human resources. The company needs to look for the best ones not all commodities. It was proved by the 10 jobs which are available in 2014 were not there in 2004. "There is nothing that lasts except change," Riyantono added. In Indonesia, the fee for the workers is still low. That is why they need the competence of Lean Six Sigma. The basic of the concept is how to eliminate the waste in all the aspects of the production like transportation, logistics, movement, waiting time, abundance, process, and repeating job.

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