Muhammad Firmansyah Kasim, Candidate for Doctoral Degree of The University of Oxford

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

Indonesia keeps on producing its best youth whose competence was admitted in international. So does Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), always endeavor to produce qualified human resources for the advance of this nation. One of them is Muhammad Firmansyah Kasim (Alumnus of Electrical Engineering 2009). He is studying particle physics in one of top universities, University of Oxford, to obtain Doctor Philosophy (DR. Phil) degree.

Since he has been in in Islam Athirah High School, Makassar, he has studied advance Physics. He also ever got many achievement in international, gold medal in the 38th International Physics Olympiad and gold medal in the Asian Physics Olympiad (APhO) in Beijing, China. This young man who was born in Makassar on January 26, 1991 is also busy with activities in Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN). Located in Geneva, Switzerland, CERN is the biggest nuclear and particle physics research laboratory in the world. Moreover, Firman is the first Indonesian who involve in particle physics research department at the University of Oxford.

If according to plan, then 2 more years Firman will get his Doctorate from the University of Oxford. For him, study abroad is one way to get success. But, he assumed that the definition of success is subjective, and we can not judge parameter of success from others. "I have not been regard my self as a succes man, but if you asked me who the most influential people for my life, of course, my parents who always pray for me all the time," he said, completing his explanation about the meaning of success.

After finishing his education at Oxford, Firman hope to devote hisself to the nation and encourage Indonesian youth to get qualified education. With the scholarship program given by Educational Fund Management Institution (LPDP), owned by Indonesian government, Firman believed that the quality of Indonesian human resources will continue to increase. "Generally, I want to be worthwile for many people and this has never changed. But I have a more specific purpose in accordance with the current conditions. Because my life purpose specifically adjust to current condition, so my life has been appropriate to my vision. Be positive and do not give up!" Firman said finishing the interview.


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