ITB and Asahi Glass Foundation, 30 Years Long Cooperation in Research and Study Development

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Research and study are important parts in the development of science and technology. As a higher education instituton, a campus should produce researches and studies in various sciences.

The Asahi Glass Foundation is one of foreign institution from Japan that has given many supports to research in ITB. Since 1988, The Asahi Glass Foundation has given grants to researches that are original and contribute to the development of science and technology, especially in ITB.

As a report to Asahi Glass Foundation on the conducted researches, Institute of Research and Community Service (LPPM) of ITB and Asahi Glass Foundation held the annual Grant Ceremony and Research Finding Seminar at Aula Barat ITB, on Jalan Ganesha, on Tuesday (4/9/2018).

This year, the ceremony differs from previous occasion. Besides the routine presentation of research and grant rewarding, MoU signing between Asahi and ITB for funding in 2019 was held. The MoU was signed by Vice Rector of Research, Innovation, and Partnership of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono, and Chairman of Asahi Glass Foundation, Kazuhiko Ishimura.

Asahi Glass Foundation gives 500,000 – 700,000 Japan Yen to each activity. The fund is managed by LPPM-ITB with the help of Board of Reviewer in doing the selection of proposals that were submitted to Asahi Glass Foundation Japan before being re-reviewed.

Kazuhiko Ishimura in his remark said that this cooperation that has been tied for 30 years will contribute in promoting science and technology for the advancement of industry, economy, and social of the funded countries.

Prof. Bambang Riyanto said that, in science and technology, ITB always encourages activities and programs to strengthen its position as research university with entrepreneurial mindset and carry out continuous improvement efforts to align itself with other advanced higher educations in International level.

Prof. Bambang said that support of Asahi Glass Foundation through overseas research grants that has indirectly contributing to the development of ITB research capacity. Research and innovation are considered the important aspects of academic programs as they can have important impact on the quality of teaching and society.

“And this year we will be celebrating 30 years of collaboration with Asahi Glass Foundation and ITB. We thank you very much for continuous and longstanding support from Asahi Glass Foundation. Your assistance is highly appreciated,” he said.

During the ceremony, Kazuhiko symbolically handed the research grant to 16 proposals that passed selection process. A seminar was also held to present 14 researches that have been conducted by ITB researchers from various research groups.

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