Obituary: Prof. Soepangat Soemarto, the Initiator of Environmental Engineering in Indonesia

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, – Prof. Soepangat Soemarno passed away on Tuesday (09/05/17). The late Professor was an alumnus of Civil Engineering in 1959 and he was one of the initiators of Sanitary Engineering major in Indonesia. The major was established for the first time in Indonesia in ITB and was renamed as Environmental Engineering. He passed away in his 85th year on his residence in Jakarta.

Prof. Soepangat began his career in ITB on 1st April 1959 and had since accomplished many things. He was the head of the Department of Sanitary Engineering, the secretary of Student Welfare of ITB, and a senate member of ITB. He was awarded Professor Degree in 1981. His service as civil servant lecturer in 2011.

Prof. Soepangat was one of the initiators of Indonesian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Experts (IATPI) in 1977 (initially named Indonesian Association of Sanitary Engineering Experts). After his graduation from civil engineering, he explored sanitary engineering field by studying post-graduate program in Sanitary Engineering Program in University of California and Doctorate Program in Environmental Engineering in AIT Bangkok. He was widely recognized as an expert in Environmental Engineering, proven by his position in National Engineering team for Sanitary/Environmental Engineering in 1968-1992 and his activism as a team member in Directorate General of Higher Education and Department of Education and Culture in 1978-1997.

During his service as a lecturer who played a role in realizing the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Prof Soepangat had been honored with many awards, such as: 1) an award from the Governor of West Java for his participation in the XII Jambore Dunia Kepanduan in Idaho, United States of America in 1967, 2) Lencana Pengabdian for 25 years of service for ITB in 1989, 3) Satya Lencana Karya Satya (civil servant dedication for 30 years) in 1997, 4) Lencana Dharma Bakti: Founder of the first scouting group in University (1972) in 1998, 5) Citra Pembanguan Award in 2000, 6) Profesi Award in 2000, 7) Citra Karya Insani Pembangunan Nasional in 2000, 8) Penghargaan Profil TOP Indonesia in 2001, and 9) Medali Ganesha Bakti Cendikia Utama in 2002.

The husband of the late Dr. R.A. Parwati also contributed in the development of Sanitary Engineering or Environmental Engineering in Indonesia by becoming editorial oard in various journals, such as Sanitary Engineering Journal; Asian Environment; Asian Journal of Environment Science and Technology for Balance Development; and Environmental Engineering Journal

On Friday (12/05/17), the academicians of ITB paid their last tribute to the late Prof. Soepangat at Aula Barat. The procession was led by the Vice Rector of General Affairs, Alumni and Communicaton Dr. Miming Miharja, S.T., M.Sc.Eng. the ceremony that began at 09.00 was attended by families, relatives, and lecturers, staffs and students of ITB.

Rest in Peace, Prof. Soepangat

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