Obituary: Joseph Iskendiarso Sigit, Pharmacologist, Dies at 44
December 30, 2013Obituary : Ir. Ahmad Rida Soemardi, Architecture's Lecturer, Dies
December 15, 2013Flight Leader from ITB : Prof. Oetarjo Diran Had Passed Away
September 19, 2013
Obituary : Prof. Dr. Sukendar Asikin Inherits Natural Laboratory of Geology
BANDUNG, - Thursday (14/03/13) ITB's civitas academica lost its distinguised figure. Prof. Dr. Sukendar Asikin take his last breath on 20.25 at RS Santo Yusuf, Bandung. The remains was given a final ceremony on Friday (15/03/13) at West Hall, ITB and later on was buried in ITB funeral, TPU Cibarunai, Sarijadi, Bandung.The front gate of...
March 19, 2013
Obituary: Lifelong Contribution, Prof. Dr. Haryanto Dhanutirto, DEA, Apt.
BANDUNG, - Professor of ITB School of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Haryanto Dhanurtirto, DEA, Apt. deceased on Tuesday (10/07/12) 14.00 WIB at MMC Hospital, Jakarta. He was the National Minister of Transportation in Kabinet Pembangunan IV (1993-1998) and made numerous contributions in the development of ITB School of Pharmacy (SF). He dedicated...
July 16, 2012Obituary: Rest in Peace Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo, Ph.D, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
BANDUNG, - Innalillahi wa innailahi raji'un, ITB's Great Teacher and Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia, Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo, Ph.D., passed away on Saturday (21/04/12), 10 am. He passed away whilst on a geographic excursion in Mount Tambora, West Nusa Tenggara. Indonesia grieves greatly for the loss...
April 21, 2012
Obituary: Prof. Dr. Oei Ban Liang
BANDUNG, - Mournful tune was played in ITB West Hall on Monday (22/11/10) in the memorial service for one of ITB's greatest son Prof. Dr. Oei Ban Liang. A professor of Chemistry, as well as the prominent pioneer of biotechnology in Indonesia passed away on Friday (19/11/10) in 21.00 WI, in his residence at Jalan Sumur Bandung 6,...
November 22, 2010
Obituary: Prof. Dr. Iskandar Alisjahbana
BANDUNG, - Innaa Lillah wa Innaa ilihi raaji'uun. Went to the Rahmatullah, the former Rector of the Institute of Teknologi Bandung era 1977-1978, Prof Dr Iskandar Alisjahbana (on his age 77) on Tuesday, December 16th 2008 at 23:08 in Borromeus Hospital Bandung.In order to remind us about the role of Prof. Alisjahbana as Master of...
December 17, 2008