Obituary: Rest in Peace Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo, Ph.D, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

Oleh Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, - Innalillahi wa innailahi raji'un, ITB's Great Teacher and Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia, Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo, Ph.D., passed away on Saturday (21/04/12), 10 am. He passed away whilst on a geographic excursion in Mount Tambora, West Nusa Tenggara.

Indonesia grieves greatly for the loss of one of its best figures. The sad news spread through social networking and electronic media. Various figures, from politicians, ministers, heads of institutions, to students showed their condolences for the grievous news.

"He only bid farewell to go mount-climbing. Mount-climbing was one of his hobbies." said Nina Sapti Triaswati, Widjajono's wife. Since in college, mount-climbing had become Widjajono's hobby. As quoted from, Widjajono had climbed approximately 40 mountains, local as well as abroad.

As a lecturer of Management of Oil and Natural Gases, Widjajono was well-known for his closeness with his students. "He used to tell a lot of his experiences to his students during his lectures. He was also a humble and visionary man," said Muhammad Risyad (Geophysics Engineering 2008).

The Deputy Minister's Journey

Born on 16th of September 1951 in Magelang, Widjajono received his bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering ITB in 1975. His studies continued in the University of Southern California (USC), U.S.A. There, he received three master degrees: Petroleum Engineering and Operations Research; and M.A. in Economics. He also received a Ph.D degree in Engineering in the same university.

Widjajono, father of one child, got ITB's Great Teacher predicate in Economic and Mineral Gases Field Management (Faculty of Earth Sciences) in 2004. Behind his humble appearance, Widjajono was also Head of Energy Economics Studies at The Energy Research Center, staff of National Energy Committee, as well as Pertamina's consultant.

At the end of his life, Widjajono, author of three books, served as The Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia. Some of his works include: "Migas dan Energi di Indonesia: Permasalahan dan Analisis Kebijakan", "Mengenal Pembangunan dan Analisis Kebijakan", and "Manajemen dan Ekonomi Minyak dan Gas Bumi".



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