Flight Leader from ITB : Prof. Oetarjo Diran Had Passed Away

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG , itb.ac.id - Tuesday ( 9/17/13 ) one of the leading figure in Aerospace Engineering ITB , Prof. . Oetarjo Diran , had passed away. Oetarjo who once served as former Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee ( NTSC )  died in his 79 years .As quoted from the Metro , Oetarjo died from complications of a stroke . The state of his health has declined in the last 1-2 months . He was treated at the RSCM Jakarta later after his condition declined again , he moved to Siloam Hospital Semanggi Jakarta MRCCC . the grieving families came in ITB at East Hall on Wednesday ( 09.18.13 ) and being prayed at Masjid Salam ITB . Then he was buried in the cemetery Poncol Jalan Kartini Jakarta.
Oetarjo was a leading figure in the field of transportation , especially in the field of air transport . As a lecturer at Flight Engineering ITB ,he was known as the " killer " lecturer but is also good when it comes to discuss with his students . Its title as a professor in the field of aerospace ITB reflect its full dedication to education , particularly in the establishment of Flight Engineering Program .

Among students ,Oetarjo known as a " provocative " and also philosophical . Generally in college he often spoke to and make student brain was spinning. Then he would ask questions that force students to answer out of the box . With such type of teaching , Oetarjo is a special figure among the students .

According to one of the children guidance , commitment and performance in the NTSC makes this famous commission at the national level and even up to the international level . With the knowledge and experience he has, he can accurately estimate the position of the crash . And this has been proven in the results of investigations on the Garuda plane fall in Medan , North Sumatra . In addition , he has also been participated in the case of Silk Air crash in Musi River , Palembang few years ago .

Service and commitment to both education and the professional world makes Oetarjo as a brilliant figure for Indonesia . His departure is a very unfortunate thing for all ITB Academic Community and Indonesian aerospace world . But the spirit as well as his work will be remembered and his name became fragrances, although he was has passed away

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