Obituary: Joseph Iskendiarso Sigit, Pharmacologist, Dies at 44

Oleh Medhira Handinidevi

Editor Medhira Handinidevi

BANDUNG, - Sunday (29/12/13), associate professor in ITB's School of Pharmacy, Dr. Joseph Iskendiarso Sigit, MSi dies at 44. This early departure of ITB's alumni class of '88 made the whole civitas academica and colleagues of pharmacologists in Indonesia lost one of their most precious. In the morning, friends of lecturers and groups of students visited Bumi Baru Mortuary, Bandung for giving a warmth last good-byes.The Mass for The Dead will be commenced on 19.00 WIB in the same day and the burial will be held on 09.00 WIB, Monday (30/12/13).

For all his life, this expert on pharmacologist was actively published various numbers of scientific journal and publication, among them was on Scopus, one of the notable scientific journal with an international accreditation. Counted more than 20 publications were made until today, both published in journal or presented in national and international-scale conference. Joseph Iskendiarso Sigit, usually called Sigit, had also launched a book titled "A New Gas Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Method for the Determination of Total Plasma Homocysteine and Related Amino Acids Clinical Application in Studies with End-Stage Renal Disease Patients under Chronic Dialysis (Band 1)".

Afar from his writings, Sigit was also involved in many research and clinical testings. Many times, Sigit received a research grant from various source,not only from ITB, but also from The National Agency of Drug and Food Control and Ministry of Research and Technology RI. One of Sigit's latest research was "Study of Supplement Administration on Lactic Acid Athlets" on 2007, with two other researcher, Samsul Bahri and Tommy Apriantono. Sigit was also actively involved in clinical testing for distinct cases since 2001. In 4 years, there were more than 30 testings that he already produced.


This doctorat alumni of Universitat Bonn, Germany, was having a cold-hand on clinical pharmacology  on cardiovascular and kidney system. Apart from being a notabel academics,Sigit also joined Ikatan Sarjana Farmasi Indonesia )ISF), Ikatan Ahli Farmakologi Indonesia (IKAFI), and Alumni of DAAD

Sigit, The Favourite and Pride of Pharmacy ITB
Joseph Iskendiarso Sigit was one of the most fascinating lecturer in School of Pharmacy. The sad news was a real shocked for all the students. His relax approach in teaching and his upscale experiences gave a wonderful impression for students. In his last days, the words from the students were converged into one message, that they would never forget his wonderful work and genuine services during his day in Ganesha.

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