Oceanovolution 2011 Rise the Spirit in Developing the Potential of Indonesian Waters

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The Ocean Engineering Students of ITB (KMKL-ITB) held their biannual event "Oceanovolution 2011". The event, which was filled with seminars, culinary festivals, and technology exhibitions, took place on Friday till Saturday (18-19/11/11) in ITB.

Realizing that Indonesian waters have high potential, Oceanovolution carries a goal to introduce Ocean Engineering within the society. Indonesia is a maritime country which 70% of the territorial area, consists of water. Because of that, the seas of Indonesia could be developed to support the economy, be it the industrial sector or the tourism sector.
The problem which Indonesia is facing in developing their sea potential is closely related to the availability of the infrastructure on-and-off coast.

Another problem is because of this modern era, which demands Indonesia to compete in every sector, including in utilizing and nurturing of the seas. In order to overcome these problems, there must be procedures conducted to analyze and develop the potential and riches beneath the Indonesian seas.
This two-day event held seminars on "Problem in Developing Coal Harbors" and "Developing Gas Infrastructures in Indonesia" on the first and second day respectively. These seminars were attended by students and the nearby society.

Rajin Sihombing (Ocean Engineering 2008), the head event of Oceanovolution, explained about the tagline "Ocean and Our Future". "Indonesian seas will have a bright future if we keep nurturing and dig the potential within," said Rajin.
Besides the seminar, Oceanovolution also offered a seafood culinary festival. Based at the  West Campus Centre Court, this festival had many stands serving a variety of Indonesian flavored seafood, which are; Coto Makassar and Roasted Fish. The decoration of the festival was made to give a beach atmosphere.

The exhibition with the theme "Indonesian Ocean" displayed all sorts of ideas and technology in ocean engineering. Some technology that were displayed were; torpedoes, wave energy generator, and remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV), an exploring vehicle used to conduct under sea research.

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