Officially Cooperated, ITB and IndonesiaX Design and Launch Online Course

Oleh Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

BANDUNG, - As from Friday (02/10/2015), ITB officially established cooperation with PT Education Technology Indonesia (IndonesiaX) through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two parties. The MoU was signed by President of IndonesiaX (Lucyanna Pandjaitan), ITB Rector (Prof. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA), and the Chairman of the Advisory Board (Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nuh, DEA). The inauguration of this cooperation initiated ITB connection as a provider of free online learning that will be loaded in

IndonesiaX is an independent platform provider of passive massive open online course (MOOC) or open online course massive. MOOC IndonesiaX presented in a learning management system designed specifically for the people of Indonesia. This is done to actualize the vision of Indonesian Goverment to improve public access to certified the best training and education. The opening of an educational site is expected to be a learning tool to open up the opportunity for anyone who connected to the Internet. The quality of education is assured even without going to space and the time are limited, given the trend of Internet users now have skyrocketed. In the early stages, ITB will provide MOOC 'Introduction to Engineering and Design'. The plan will soon be aired in the future. "This free online course democratize learning. Now, public can learn from ITB lecturers," said Lucyanna. Chimed in that, ITB Rector agreed that ITB is not just for its students, but also the people of Indonesia. According to him, the system of IndonesiaX can implemented a more equitable education. Launched on August 17, the course IndonesiaX registrars has now reached more than 17,000 users. IndonesiaX targeting online materials as much as possible to be accessible. "Strategic cooperation with ITB can be the first step for any other leading universities to share knowledge to the public through this system," said Muhammad Nuh.

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