One Day Training : Web of Science

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG,– ITB central library in collaboration with Thomson Scientific, information provider for research and business community, on Wednesday (4/6) made web of science training for ITB lectures and academic community. The training was introducing “ISI web of knowledge”, an online academic database that could ease scientist in searching, analyzing, and share information of science, art and humanities. Took place in American Corner Space, the training was attended by Thomson Scientific Association Manager, Dr Lim Khee Hiang. ISI web of knowledge contains over 22.000 journals, 23 millions of copy right, 192.000 of conference documentation, 5.500 websites, 5000 books, 2 millions chemical structure, 25 millions cited references, and 256 scientific fields. More than 20 million researchers from 90 countries access and found something useful resources from ISI web of knowledge for their research. User could gain integrated access to quality literair with various platform. ISI web of knowledge also provide best quality, power and versatility that could help researcher get global portrait about research in various subject. Analytical tool ISI web of knowledge might show whose the best author most competent in one topic, found major institution, develop understanding upon publication trend, even choose research partner. The training was conducted with technical tutorial using ISI web of knowledge and its feature. ISI web of knowledge as Lim stressed, will only give the abstraction about a journal, it could not display overall text yet. “ISI Web of Knowledge” can be access at

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