Open Talk Show with Entrepreneur: Inspiring The Youth to Entrepreneurship

Oleh Shabrina Salsabila

Editor Shabrina Salsabila

BANDUNG, - After One Day with Businessman, series of Road to Entrepreneur event was countinued with Buka-Bukaan Bareng Entrepreneur (Open Talkshow with Entrepreneur) seminar at Cahaya Garuda Convention Hall, Saturday (26/01/13). The seminar that was held by ITB School and Business Management Student Union (KMSBM ITB) was participated by 800 until 1000 youth participants. 
"KMSBM has a dream to develop entrepreneurship in Indonesia, that is why we hold this series of event," said Hans Reinaldi (Management 2011), the head of Read to Entrepreneur committee. Based on Hans explanation the main target of this event is ITB student only, however unexpectedly the participants of this seminar came from many circles from senior high school student until college students that only came from Jember to paticipate in this seminar.
The seminar was opened by greeting speech from Vice Dean of ITB School of Business and Managemen, Prof. Togar Mangihut Simatupang, M. Tech., Ph.D. In the greeting speech, Togar delivered that to develop Indonesia we need 2% of Indonesian population to be entrepreneur but in Indonesia is still only 0,8%. Togar said that it was caused by the high Indonesian Bank interest rates which complicate the entrepreneur to get the capital to open new business.
Seminar that was moderated by a writter and owner of Emeno Nursing Wear, Yuli Anita, invited the young entrepreneur Henky Eko Sriyantono as a first speaker. Henky Eko Sriyantono is the owner of culinary business Bakso Malang Cak Eko that has opened 155 branches in Indonesia. This winner of 2008 Young Entrepreneur Award shared his experience in business from the ten times failure that he had been through until he was successful in his culinary business. In the end of his session Eko delivered his tips for success i.e dreaming, have a faith and visualize it, affirmate it in prayer, enjoy the uninstant process, make the system, and giving.
The next speaker was Nurana Indah Paramita, an ITB Oceanography alumny and now she becomes the CEO of T-Files the company that focus on ocean current power plant. In this seminar Mita also shared her experience to be a technopreneur in run her company and persuade Indonesian youth to be more independent.
The third speaker was the most eagerly awaited by the participants. The speaker was Dahlan Iskan, the minister of State Enterprises. This former of the Stated Owned Electricity Company (PLN) talked abot the importance of leadership in entrepreneurship. In the question and answer session a lot of participants eagerly gave the question to Dahlan, one of them was lucky to get a dollar from Dahlan's pocket. In the end of his session Dahlan motivated all of the participant with a quote, "Do what you want do now."
In the last session, Bong Chandra, The Number 1 Youngest Motivator in Asia that now run 3 business with total revenue 180 billion each year. He shared the tips and tricks to be successful in entrepreneurship. Those were be the master of one thing, listen and surprise the customer, distrust something easy, move faster than our pessimism feeling, and use the touch of emphaty in business.

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