Paradigma: The Exploration of Room Which Is Actually An Emptiness
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

Space is essentially void . Personal revealed that the space actually exists, but nothing physical . He cited an urn , the urn is material that can be seen . Meanwhile , the space is a void in it . From this man will see a room with a jar . There is also a temporary space or temporary , for example, is a collection of interacting human being . After the interaction is completed , the space will be lost . In his paper , quoting a Personal philosophy about spatial , ' which is not real ( not seen - not palpable ) it is the essence , ' .
According to a private , interior design like other professions have to have one thing that is important design decisions . The design decisions should contain accountability, responsibility , and liability . In accountability , exemplifies a private project financing must be in accordance with the report . Responsibiltas hawab rests in general , that any results must be accounted designs are made one in the aspect of safety . Liability is the responsibility of the profession . That is , we need to do the job that our profession is indeed a professional .
In designing the interior , personal say that the idea will always thrive for creative people . So very rarely a direct design decisions can be generated . " The idea that comes to our mind must be controlled , whether logical or not to be implemented in order to bring innovation , " he added that began the design of qualitative , quantitative do not ever start . As well as on the implementation of the design always apply professional ethics . The interior design is expected to not get too hung up on the wall , but the soul and spirit must be built that can be implemented through the selected element , " Blow up the spirit in the room and make it life, " said course creator cap space this four years ago .
Bringing Emotions Flow of Life
Aaron noble Santoso ( Interior Design 2010) , Chairman of Paradigm , Paradigma revealed that this time bring the concept of groove emotional life happy , confused , afraid , to surrender . Every visitor that will come to try a vehicle with a 1:1 scale design that will evoke emotion in it . In addition to rides and seminars , Paradigma also presents a collaborative exhibition of interior design students of ITB .
Paradigma used as a laboratory open to the general public in finding people's preference towards space . And discuss psychology in relation to space .
This activity is expected to give visitors more knowledge about space and interior design as well as a forum for discussion and learning for students IMDI ITB with other interior DSAIN of universities in Jakarta and Bandung . " In this paradigma we want to open up insights that interior design is not only space fungsiona , but we can grow beyond it , " said Feysa Poetry ( Interior Design 2010) , Paradigma Creative Division .
According to a private , interior design like other professions have to have one thing that is important design decisions . The design decisions should contain accountability, responsibility , and liability . In accountability , exemplifies a private project financing must be in accordance with the report . Responsibiltas hawab rests in general , that any results must be accounted designs are made one in the aspect of safety . Liability is the responsibility of the profession . That is , we need to do the job that our profession is indeed a professional .

Bringing Emotions Flow of Life
Aaron noble Santoso ( Interior Design 2010) , Chairman of Paradigm , Paradigma revealed that this time bring the concept of groove emotional life happy , confused , afraid , to surrender . Every visitor that will come to try a vehicle with a 1:1 scale design that will evoke emotion in it . In addition to rides and seminars , Paradigma also presents a collaborative exhibition of interior design students of ITB .
Paradigma used as a laboratory open to the general public in finding people's preference towards space . And discuss psychology in relation to space .
This activity is expected to give visitors more knowledge about space and interior design as well as a forum for discussion and learning for students IMDI ITB with other interior DSAIN of universities in Jakarta and Bandung . " In this paradigma we want to open up insights that interior design is not only space fungsiona , but we can grow beyond it , " said Feysa Poetry ( Interior Design 2010) , Paradigma Creative Division .