PLN Chief Executive Public Lecture on Electrical Power

Oleh Muhammad Fikri

Editor Muhammad Fikri

BANDUNG, - ITB's Electrical Power Engineering program held a public lecture on Friday (16/03/12) with Nur Pamudji, chief executive of PLN, as the speaker. With the theme of "The Development and Future Challenges of Electrical Power," students from undergraduate as well as graduate and doctorate programs from different majors flocked ITB's West Hall to attend the lecture. Nur Pamudji presented four topics; the first is the challenges, hindrances, and strategies for national electrical power development. Second topic is on the electrical power subsidy. Third topic is about PLN's performance so far. The last one is about plans for developing the electrical power sector in Indonesia. The lecture is closed with a question and answer session.
Subsidy for electrical power reaches 90 trillion rupiah every year, while for the development and innovation on electrical power, an estimated figure of six to seven billion US dollar or 60-70 trillion rupiah is required. The insufficient amount of investment must be covered from PLN’s own profits. That is why PLN is bound to stay financially fit. “However big the company is, corruption could send it to bankruptcy,” said Nur. PLN itself is expected to support the growth national industries. Now, PLN has utilized locally made production components like cables, conductors, and transformers. PLN has also observed reverse engineering process in hope to further develop workshops and industries in Indonesia.

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