Prof. Daryono Hadi and His View on Excellent and Competitive Researches

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tj. Apt., M.Sc.Eng., receives Academic Leader Award 2019 in the field of health from Kemenristekdikti. (Photo by: Kemenristekdikti)

BANDUNG, – Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) give the Academic Leader Award 2019 to Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tj. Apt., M.Sc.Eng for his contribution in the field of health. The award ceremony was held in Jakarta on Tuesday (1/10/2019).

Prof. Daryono is a professor at Pharmacochemistry Research Group in School of Pharmacy of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). He thinks of the award as a recognition towards expertise and competition in the field of health, especially in pharmacy drug discovery and development.

Regarding the advancement of health sciences, especially in pharmacy as applied science, Prof. Daryono said that Indonesia is in general not far behind other countries which are often referred to as benchmarks. Everything feasible in other country is in fact also feasible in Indonesia so long as the facilities, infrastructures, and related polices exist and be supportive.

“For example, we cannot do frontier researches because of unavailable facilities and inconsistency of funding,” said this graduate of Keio University, Japan.

According to Prof. Daryono, to run researches in the field of health requires not only the capability to manage and lead research team that produce publications and innovative works that is beneficial for the community, but also the grit, patience, and perseverance within the limitation of chemical substance and catalyst which is difficult to obtain. “Basically, we have to look for research themes feasible to do in Indonesia,” he said.

Therefore, he said that there are several things that should be done by the government and ITB in order to improve research productivity. First, the government should make clear policies regarding development of science and technology, with all consequences on funding and facilities.

Second, funding from Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) should be used for post-graduate development programs in Indonesia by recruiting academically outstanding prospective students, such as the Magister and Doctor Programs for Excellent Graduates (PMDSU).

Third, besides making excellent and priority programs, ITB should be daring to recruit research staffs and provide clear career path for them.

Fourth, ITB should improve the number of cooperation with the best universities and research institutions in the world. Fifth, lecturers and researchers should not be bothered with administration and financial reports. The important thing is maintenance of accountability and transparency of research funding. Sixth, appreciation for lecturers and researchers who have publications and write books.

“Everyone has capability, and the percentage of Indonesians that have above average academic capability are sufficient. Once they have opportunity and get facility, they will quickly catch up. One minus point that should be fixed is the grit, perseverance, and discipline,” he said.

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