Prof. Djoko Santoso Received "The Order of the Rising Sun" Award from the Government of Japan

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Prof. Djoko Santoso received The Order of the Rising Sun from Government of Japan for his services in establishing a cooperative relationship between Indonesia and Japan. The award was given by Ishii Masafumi, Japanese Ambassador to Republic of Indonesia, at Jakarta, 11 February 2020.

The highest award from Japanese Government was given to Prof. Djoko because he was considered to have done a lot of contribution such as sending Indonesian students to study in Japan, conducting research and community service. All of these good relations have been established since he became a lecturer at Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, (FTTM) ITB. Then it was further strengthened when Prof. Djoko served as Rector of ITB (2005-2010), and General Director of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia (2010-2014).

When he interviewed by ITB Public Relations reporter at ITB Board of Trustees (MWA) office, Prof. Djoko said the award was a form of appreciation for him who had been given the mandate by the government to build good communication with Japan. "This award is a result from Indonesia-Japan collaboration that I have pioneered since I pursued my degree at Japan and returned to Indonesia. I feel very grateful because I did beneficial actions for Indonesia and Japan itself," he said. 

Regarding the cooperation relationship between Indonesia and Japan, Prof. Djoko explained, one of the advantages is knowledge transfer between experts from Japan to Indonesian researchers. Government of Japan will only send their experts in specific fields when it comes to do some projects with Government of Indonesia, "If we cooperate and make a good relationship with Japan, we will get beneficial things such as knowledge transfer," he said.

In addition, another positive impact from Indonesia-Japan relationship is to make Indonesia more independent. Government of Japan used to pay tuition fee for Indonesian students that study in Japan, but now Indonesia has been able to pay by itself. "Japan teaches us to be independent. In various fields, including in education. Back then when I was a student in Japan, their government funded my tuition fee. Right now, a lot of Indonesian students that studying in Japan are funded by our government, "he said.

Prof. Djoko hopes that ITB will enchance a good relationship with Japanese universities, especially in the field area of education, research, and community service. Prof. Djoko highlighted that ITB should increase research activities and its productivity. "We can be equal with Japanese (in term of research activities and its productivity). We have to work hard and be honest, like the main characteristic of Japanese people," he concluded.

Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo

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