Prof. Dr. Djoko Suharto: Hope and Hard Work Towards Awakening Indonesian Technology
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Sparked Online Technology Magazine
Djoko was one of the originators of online technology magazine called This online magazine published on Monday (10/08/2009) coincides with the National Day of Resurrection Technology. The idea to publish Infometrik in the field of mechanics, materials and applied technology is a business that deserves to be appreciated. As it is known use of the Internet in the early 21st century is no longer indisputable, information can be obtained anywhere in a short time. However, it should be noted that the information obtained could be a lack of information organized in a systematic and unfocused. Publishing this technology magazine is for systematically gathering information in the field of mechanics, materials and applied technology that are expected to be useful for students and professionals in order to implement the philosophy of continuous learning.
Until the mid-20th century, the field of mechanics and materials dominate the technology development, especially in the manufacturing and design of mechanical equipment. With the advent of new technologies emerging technology such as information technology, bio, nano, and cogno, then anticipate the future is to combine the classical mechanical engineering with new technology so that the combined technologies will emerge. "I hope this magazine will publish many articles that discuss the joint technology development and applied technology, in addition to the basic material article needs to be known by the reader." Djoko said.
Optimism Awakening and Tidal Technology in Indonesia
Fourteen years ago, precisely August 10 1995, the Indonesian people were very proud of being able to conduct the maiden flight of the prototype aircraft N-250 which are largely designed by the best sons of the Indonesian nation. Djoko could feel the atmosphere at that time, due to came on duty at PT. IPTN formed to carry out the mission of technology transfer. However, due to the economic crisis in 1998, the activity stopped and since then PT. IPTN, which is now renamed PT. Indonesian Aerospace, suffered a setback.
"From the ups and downs of the technology development in Indonesia, we can see the other side of a failure. The most important attitude is not known to give up and always dare to face the challenge. An example from history is the famous speech British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who rekindle the spirit of Never, Never Give Up to the British people at times against attacks from Nazi Germany in world War II, " Djoko said.
Development of Quantum Leap for the Future of Technology in Indonesia
Today, 19 years after the launch of the N-250 aircraft, process of the technology development for Indonesian people need to get a new spirit by using another strategy. Sixteen years after the reform of the nation, Indonesia has been able to make a quantum leap or jump to the democratic process and regional autonomy. Although not perfect, but this quantum leap has received awards from other nations. The third quantum leap that needs to be done is to campaign for conscientious work culture in order to form a comfortable atmosphere for the development of technology, science and the nation's children on an ongoing basis. Infometrik magazine publishing efforts, in addition intends to disseminate technological development, can be seen also as an invitation to cultured conscientious, indicating high concern, care and diligence to perform a job.
"It is not an easy task to change the behavior. However when this is done, I believe the development of technology in Indonesia was able to grow rapidly for the progress and welfare of the nation. If our nation can gain the trust of the international community because it has been seen doing good things, it will be easier to avoid the economic crisis that is now often the case "Djoko said closing his presentation.
Photo source: From various sources