Prof. Mikrajuddin Abdullah and His Contribution in the Physics of Nanomaterials

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, - Since graduating from University of Hiroshima, Japan, in 2002, Prof. Mikrajuddin Abdullah has been constantly producing works important to the development of science, especially in the physics of nanomaterials. Born in Dompu, Oktober 18 1968, Mikrajjudin developed works that are referenced at international level, not only that, a major portion of those works has been patented.
After returning from Japan in 2004, Prof. Mikrajuddin built the Laboratory for Synthesis and Functionalization of Nanomaterials in ITB's Physics Department. With limited resources and funds, he developed researches that can potentially be solutions to national problems.  His ongoing research is focused on the development of cheap solar cells, and the purification of polluted water using the sun's energy. His solar cell prototype, for example, can convert the sun's energy to electricity with 4% efficiency. Although its efficiency is not yet large, the solar cell is much more economical in terms of cost. If the produced efficiency is able to reach 10%, then it can be said that a revolution in solar cell production and utilization of sun's energy has started.

Mikrajuddin's other research is involved in the purification of water using the sun's energy.  For both research on solar cells and water purification, the most important part is finding materials that can capture sun's energy as much as possible. Research on water purification is performed by seeking a photocatalyst material that can absorb the sun's energy efficiently.

The absorption of that energy caused the material to become active, releasing particles that can gradually eliminate pollutants in water. The process can simply be carried out by exposing the water to sunlight, and in a period of several days the water will become pure.

National Distinguished Lecturer 2010

Due to his impressive achievements, Mikrajuddin was chosen to be Distinguished Lecturer at National Level in 2010. He pioneered several causes that supports the advancement of science.

Mikrajuddin and his colleagues initiated the publication of  Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in 2008, to disseminate the works of national researchers in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology. He has also established Jurnal Pengajaran Fisika Sekolah Menengah (Journal of Highschool Physics Education) in 2009, as a knowledge-exchange platform for high school teachers, so that it could be implented in their teaching process.

In 2008, Mikrajuddin and fellow lecturers  started the national symposium of nanoscience and nanotechnology, which had already took place four times, with the most recent symposium taking place in Bali from 23 September 2011 to 25 September 2011 . Moroever, he is also a writer of science and physics books for elementary and highschool level.  Until now He has published 34 junior and highschool books.

"I believe that things we consider irrelevant can be really important to other people. And so, let's communicate to people about things that are important to us, no matter how small. There is no deeper meaning if we keep that only to ourselves," said Mikrajuddin in his private blog.

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