Prof. Reini Become a Panelist for Purdue University "Old Masters" Event
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Dalam upaya meningkatkan kerja sama Internasional, ITB berpartisipasi pada acara yang dibuat oleh Purdue University, Amerika Serikat dengan tema “Bridge Building Event”. Acara webinar ini dihadiri oleh panelis dari berbagai bidang asal Amerika Serikat seperti Melody Birmingham sebagai Senior VP Supply Chain Duke Energy, Ken Amstrong sebagai jurnalis senior, Luke Marklin sebagai CEO Bellhop, Julie Dusliere sebagai Chief of Paralympic Sport dan juga Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D. sebagai Rektor ITB.
Prof. Reini became the first international speaker to be involved in the Old Masters event, she also obtained his master's and doctoral degrees at Purdue University. Not only participating in the Old Masters webinar, but ITB also sent its representatives to the webinar discussion between Purdue University and ITB students. This webinar will be held on 05 November 2020 at 21.00 EST or equal to 06 November 2020 at 08.00 WIB.
The Old Masters Program itself is an annual event organized by Purdue University. As is well known, Prof. Reini is the ITB's first female Chancellor since its first establishment. At the Old Master event, she conveyed that one of the ITB cultures which worth to sustain is the In Harmonia Progressio motto, meaning to move together in harmony.
Another tradition is in the field of academic atmosphere. ITB is very open to new ideas, academic freedom, cultural diversity, and other excellent traditions. Prof. Reini also said that she always tries to apply, develop, and improve ITB by what she learned at Purdue University.
“One of the ITB cultures that we are proud of is our motto, In Harmonia Progressio, which means moving in harmony. We want to lead technical education not because we want to be the number one but to lead the Indonesian technical education movement as a form of our national responsibility as the oldest technical institute in Indonesia,” said Prof. Reini.
At the end of the webinar sharing session, all panelists received the same question about defining identity in the era of fast-moving globalization. According to Prof. Reini, despite all of her busy schedule, she is still trying to be a good parent for her family which becomes the source of her strength to continue working and inspiring.
Reporter : Diah Rachmawati (Industrial Engineering, 2016)
Translator : Evita Sonny (Management, 2017)