Public Lecture: Technology As A Tool for State Enterprises to Achieve World Class Excellence
By Muhammad Fikri
Editor Muhammad Fikri

In Need of Technologists
Another issue that Dahlan thinks is fundamental is to formulate what the country basic needs. “I believe that the state can do business, but it shouldn’t compete against its people,” he said. Dahlan thinks that the state can only monopolize businesses which still hard for people to create—businesses such as railroads, toll roads, or airports. “To develop them, we need a great deal of technologists in this country,” he explained. When the entire nation is focusing on the fuel price increase, he offers a solution so that we will no longer dependent on fuels. “Developed countries are starting to utilize alternative sources of energy for their cars, like electric and natural gas vehicles. I believe this is prospective,” he said. He further said how farmers are in need of technology to improve the quality of their work and life. “They sure want to work more efficiently and effectively. And I believe that ITB students will provide the solutions,” he concluded.