ITB Became The Champion of ISMEC 2014
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

ISMEC is scholarly competition on industrial engineering that was held by Industrial Engineering of Brawijaya University which took a place as a national competition for students. In this competition, participants were asked to apply scientific industrial engineering for promote the small and medium scale industries. In this year, ISMEC took a theme: " Industrial Engineering in Order to Strengthen the Role Small and Medium Scale Industries as Efforts to Confront ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015".
In in the competition, participants had to take a part in several stages. First step is short list online. At this point the participants will be tested on scientific of industrial engineering. From the selection online was going to be elected 10 teams to follows next stage in Malang. The team that passed through at this stage comes from a number of universities in Indonesia, such as ITB, ITS, Gadjah Mada University, UB, UI, and USU. After being elected 10 best team, the teams were brought together in the final round that consists of three round the smart carefully, running a laboratory, and visit small and medium scale industries.
Just before the day the competition began, one of the members of the Ganapati team come back to Bandung after receive a grief news from his family. "Initially, we hesitate to continue the competition, but after allowed by the committee finally we continue," said Andreas. With only consist of two men, the team Ganapati must struggle hard passing through each round round in this competition. "In the first round smart carefully we were a little panic, but fortunately we saved when running lab and started a bit optimistic," added Iftikhar.
At the final stage this competition, the participants visited one of the small and medium scale industries in Malang sentra ceramics in Noyo, Malang. In this study case, the participants were asked to formulate a strategy to restore this industry. In the final round, the team of Ganapati succeeded in getting the highest and went out as the champion. When took a part of this contest, we must showed how competitive we are, it is seen from the unyielding spirit and the power of optimistic, "said Andreas at the end of the interview session.