ITB Architecture Alumni Held Dialogue Related to The Architect Role in AEC
By Hafshah Najma Ashrawi
Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

The dialogue was moderated by sociologist Imam Prasojo, and featured by four speakers from different backgrounds: Sigit Soesiantomo (Member of Parliament), Gunwan Tjahyono (UI Architecture Lecturer), Eddy Husy (Chairman of the Central Executive Council of Real Estate Indonesia), and Adrian Kusuma (International Architect). This dialogue discussed about how to enhance the competence of Indonesian architects which will compete with the other countries in ASEAN soon, especially related to AEC. One of the solutions offered in the discussion is the existence of a law which protects the architect by orderly regulation of professionalism.

Through the dialogue, a suggestion about the need to consider the collaboration between architect and entrepreneur for the sake of improving the quality of local architects was also submitted. The context of this cooperation is in the form of knowledge transfer. In addition, among professional architects, there should be awareness to be raised about the importance of continuous improvement during the AEC in the future.