ITB Held Education and Training Program for Students and Alumni
By M. Armando Siahaan
Editor M. Armando Siahaan

BANDUNG, – As an education institution, ITB is consistent to develop its students capabilities not only in academic capacity but also soft skill competence. It is implemented in Education and Training Program for ITB students and alumni. This program was held by Student Affairs through ITB Career Center.
The program was divided into six sessions. The first and the second were held on Saturday (11/11/17), the third and the fourth on Saturday (18/11/17), and finally the fifth and sixth session on Saturday (25/11/17). All the sessions were held on 9211 room of Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU) Timur. Each session carried different theme and each focused on soft skill improvement of students and alumni. It is expected that the soft skill will bring benefit to facing employment.
On the first and second session, ITB presented I Made Sudaryani, S.Si, MM and Kadek Budiawan, SY., MBA from D&D Consulting as speakers. Both speakers delivered topic on effective way to write CV (Curriculum Vitae) and interview skill on the first session, while on the second they delivered about communication skills. These skills are not acquired in university classes even though students and alumni need it, especially in starting their career. Hence, ITB felt obligated to facilitate the delivery of those materials to students and alumni who are going to look for employment.
Similarly, Okto Priatna, one of committee members of Education and Training Program said that the aim of this program is to prepare students especially in their last year and alumni to face employment. According to him, the program is important because it lifts the soft skills of students and alumni. Good soft skill will lift personal branding of students and alumni when applying for jobs.
This program is annually held by ITB Career Center. Okto Priatna said that the participants from students and alumni always exceed the quota. Session at which Curriculum Vitae is explained has always been the favorite every year.
According to Okto, this many registering participants shows that students think this training program is important to support their career in the future. Okto hopes ITB could facilitate the program better and continuously. “Hopefully the program will be continuous and be getting even better,” he concluded.