Rector’s Open House Held on Eid al-Fitr

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA greeted guests and public in an open house held at ITB’s Rector Guesthouse at Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda, No. 153 on Wednesday, 5 June 2019. The event was attended by ITB’s executives, lecturers, students, staffs, and public.

On an interview, Prof. Kadarsah wishes Eid Mubarak to all members of ITB. “Eid Mubarak. I ask for your forgiveness physically and emotionally. May God accept my good deeds and yours. Happy Eid al-Fitr. May you be among those who return [to purity] and among those granted victory,” said Prof. Kadarsah.

Before the open house, Eid prayer was conducted at Basketball Court, Campus Center of ITB Ganesha Campus with a sermon about the importance of unity. Prof. Kadarsah said that unity is important to achieve nation’s goals. “Prof. Miftah Faridl (as the preacher) delivered about the importance of unity. Our founding fathers stated on the opening of UUD 1945 several nation’s goals. Those goals can be achieved if we put forward unity,” he said.

The open house was held with support from students of ITB of various religious beliefs and students that do not got back to their hometowns. One of those students was Kalepeka (Mining Engineering 2015) who felt grateful for meeting and greeting the rector directly. “I am grateful for meeting the rector. He warmly welcomes us. It will strengthen the connection between us all,” he said.

Other visitor, Sho Morista, a religious and cultural lecturer in a local university in Japan who was visiting Indonesia, said that this is his first time to Indonesia. “I really enjoyed the ceremonial process. In Japan, it is not easy to get the opportunity to join in similar ceremony. Here, I even get the invitation. I really appreciate that,” Sho said. He also got the opportunity to taste the food, including ‘mie bakso’ or meatballs and noodles. He hopes he can visit Indonesia again on the next Ramadan.

Among the visitors there were also other foreign students such as students from Vietnam and Africa.

Reporter: Moch. Akbar Selamat (Management 2020)

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