Oksigen Jawa : A Journey To Javanese Aesthetics

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id -A unique change took place at the Soemardja Gallery of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of ITB (FSRD ITB), where unusually, the terrace section of the gallery appeared as if it was still under construction, complete with the presence of wooden nuance covered in wooden stage, making the whole area looked like an unfinished construction site. Inside the gallery, lies a labyrinth which leads visitors to the main exhibition hall where the works of Hanafi, a famous Indonesian Abstract artist, titled Oksigen Jawa (The Oxygen of Java) was exhibited.

Hanafi's work of art was an autobiography depicting his life experiences. Beginning from his observation on java island's demographic issues, he then produced work that depicted his life memories, such as his childhood, his parent's old days, his brother's loss, his 16 playmate group, former girlfriends, warteg sellers, and so on.

Hanafi poured his past memory in work as prose, painting, installation, and visual autobiography. One wrote prose tells the life of his father, a veteran of national army that finally works as a tailor. "Dad is a cartridge in the box, peci and sewing machines under lights that remain lit," he wrote. Moreover, in the main exhibition hall piled an old bed that read "Umi Hani,( 62 years old)". These beds represents the bed where his mother laid herself when sick.

Besides organizing solo exhibition in Soemardja gallery, Hanafi also collaborated with another artist to hold theatre performances, discussions of art, poetry anthology discussion, and worskhop on costumes & performance art. Until Saturday (16/05/15), the entire series of Oksigen Jawa event has been attended by thousands of visitors. He expected that whole series of Oksigen Jawa can provide inspiration, knowledge, and enrich the aesthetic experience for visitors.

Hanafi at a Glance

Hanafi was born in Purworejo, Central Java, on July 5th, 1960. The artist, who is known for his lyrical abstraction painting, actively brought small narratives in every process of artistic creation. In addition to painting, Hanafi also has generated other works such as installation arts and statue that is often exhibited and is included in collaboration projects with another artist.

Since 1990, Hanafi has held 37 solo exhibitions and 78 collective exhibitions, both in Indonesia and abroad. Hanafi has also won several art awards, including FIB UI Culture award (2005), Finalist in Indofood Art Award (2002 & 2003), and Top Ten in Indonesian Phillip Moris Art Award

Translated by    : Bayu Prakorso (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015)

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