SAPPD ITB Welcomed UNSRAT Representatives, What to Expect in the Field of Urban Planning and Disaster Management
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - The School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD ITB) welcomed a visit from Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), on Friday (23/8/2024).
Representatives from UNSRAT, Deputy Vice Rector 4, Dr. Andy Anton Mangopa Malik as well as the Head of the Urban and Regional Planning Laboratory (URP), Dr. Veronica A. Kumurur, S.T., M.Si., were well received by the Dean of SAPPD ITB, Prof. Dr. Sri Maryati, S.T., MIP., alongside several lecturers from SAPPD ITB.
The main purpose of this visit was to further discuss the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Faculty of Engineering UNSRAT and SAPPD ITB. For added information, this MoA is currently in its finalization process through direct signing or desk to desk.
In addition to the MoA, both parties discussed several other important matters including the implementation of guest lectures, seminars, research, and joint publications.
"Visitation from Sam Ratulangi University students are soon to be expected," said the Dean of SAPPD.
Located in a disaster-prone area, UNSRAT has had experiences in dealing with various types of natural hazards. This practical knowledge is considered a valuable asset to share with other institutions across Indonesia, including ITB. With establishing partnerships between the two universities, ITB is expected to enhance knowledge and capacity in facing future challenges surrounding natural disaster.
Other important points discussed during the meeting were possibilities of collaborative work between the two institutions. This collaboration is expected to produce a more comprehensive and innovative multidisciplinary study.
Aside from discussions, UNSRAT representatives also visited various facilities in the SAPPD building.
They had the opportunity to see the Fabrication Laboratory and Labscan, as well as other supporting facilities. This visit aims to enrich insights and broaden opportunities for joint-work in the future.
The partnership between SAPPD and Sam Ratulangi University is expected to boost significant contributions to the development of science and technology, providing benefits to society. Studies related to this cooperation are hoped to be the key solutions to various problems in the field of urban planning and disaster management.
Reporter: Yohana Aprilianna (Urban and Regional Planning, 2021)
Translator: Kezia Hosana (Chemical Engineering, 2022)
Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)