RSCE 2024: Forum of Process Engineers Highlights CCUS, Decarbonization, and the Future of the Industry
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BALI, - The Chemical Engineering, Food Engineering, and Bioenergy and Chemurgical Engineering Study Programs—in partnership with the Indonesian Chemical Engineering Higher Education Association (APTEKIM) and Chemical Vocational Board of the Indonesian Engineers Association (BKKPII)—held The 28th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE) 2024 on November 9–14, 2024, at The Patra Bali Resort, Kuta, Bali.
Themed "Engineering a Sustainable Future: Chemical Engineers at the Forefront," the event focused on efforts to realize a sustainable future in industrial and environmental sectors. It served as a form of process engineers' strategic role in addressing environmental challenges.
The event began with the ASEAN Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Network 2024 Symposium. This symposium took place on November 9–14 and was opened by Prof. Dr. Sanggono Adisasmito, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN., from the Sustainable Energy and Technology Research Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). He discussed the carbon dioxide business chain in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and the world.
Meanwhile, Dr. Anggit Raksajati, researcher from the Center for Carbon Dioxide and Flare Gas Utilization of ITB, explained various opportunities and challenges of CCUS implementation in Indonesia from a techno-economic view.
The next agenda was a focus group discussion (FGD) on November 11–12, which was opened by Ir. Ganis Danandjati, IPM., Vice Chairman of BKKPII. The topic of the FGD was decarbonization, carbon trading, and sustainable business development of CCUS. This comprehensive discussion raised the industry-wide urgency for decarbonization, carbon management, and its implementation in various ASEAN countries.
"Environmentally friendly industrialization becomes a major challenge in midst of regulatory uncertainties in decarbonization and the lack of incentives in the oil and gas industry," said Dr. Asha, one of the FGD's speakers.
The culmination of RSCE 2024 took place on November 13–14. Featuring 400 prominent scientific figures nationally and internationally, the event discussed important topics related to bioenergy, biotechnology, chemurgy, food technology, advanced materials, and environmental management. International luminaries and delegates were invited directly from numerous countries, including the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, and Thailand.
Committee Chairman of RSCE 2024, Dr. C.B. Rasrendra, stated that Indonesia, with its massive natural and human resources, must become a pioneer in achieving a sustainable future. "Process engineers have to be at the forefront," he said forthrightly.
On the other hand, Chairwoman of BKKPII, Dr. Sripeni Inten Cahyani, IPM, ASEAN Eng., asserted that BKKPII is committed to supporting decarbonization policies that would accelerate the energy transition to a low-carbon economy.
RSCE 2024 was sponsored and co-organized by PT Kilang Pertamina International and the Palm Oil Plantation Management Agency (BPDPKS), both of which have been active in the development of sustainable engineering practices and chemical engineering education in Indonesia.
Moreover, the event involved other activities: a workshop on palm oil-based cosmetics production for high school students in Bali, Talents Mapping Assessment by Tristia Riskawati, and "Growth Mindset" Seminar by Dr. Djohan Yoga.
RSCE 2024 was closed with APTEKIM National Conference on November 15, attended by 75 Chairman of Chemical Engineering Study Program from all over Indonesia. The conference aimed to bolster the synergy between academia, industries, and the government.
Chairman of APTEKIM, Dr. Idral Amri, emphasized the importance of scientific activities for collaborative partnerships and the development of chemical engineering in the future.
More information can be found in
Author: Anggun Nindita
Indonesian Editor: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering '21)
English Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Management, 2024)